Alexander the Great is one of the most famous figures in history. He was born in Pella, Macedonia in 356 BC. His father was King Philip II of Macedonia. Alexander was educated by the famous philosopher Aristotle. At a young age, Alexander showed great courage and leadership. In 336 BC, ...
He named it for himself, the city of Alexandria. He was the king of Macedonia and a pharoah in Egypt. He was only 33 years old when he died. Some say he was poisoned. It is just as likely that this great general was defeated by a mosquito because others believe he died of malaria...
Alexander's empire died with him. Nobody was powerful enough to replace Alexander's positon to rule the empire he created. Nobody dared! Napolean's empire met its debacle before Napolean's death. I think many Chinese mention less about the Yuan dynasty because it was defeated by the Mongols...
Why did people think Alexander the Great was a god?Learn more about the life of Alexander the Great.(more) See all videos for this article In 336, however, on Philip’sassassination, Alexander, acclaimed by the army, succeeded without opposition. He at once executed the princes of Lyncestis...
Alexander the Great: History Trained from a young age to one day be a king and military leader, Alexander would have a profound impact on the ancient world. An Untried King In 336 Philip was assassinated. Alexander, already supported by his father's military, took the throne. He executed ...
Alexander the Great was an ancient Macedonian ruler and one of history’s greatest military minds who, as King of Macedonia and Persia, established the largest empire the ancient world had ever seen. By turns charismatic and ruthless, brilliant and power hungry, diplomatic and bloodthirsty, Alexand...
Although Alexander had landed safely on the Asiatic shore, the way was not yet fairly open for him to advance into the interior of the country. He was upon a sort of plain, which was separated from the territory beyond by natural barriers. On the south was the range of lofty land called...
s: The present creation was started by mankind in the beginning of the Sambat Era, when he began the creation of letters and words. This observation is particularly relevant to what we call Indo-Aryan languages. It resulted after a big bang when Alexander collided head on with Siba. The ...
Alexander should deserve his title as “Great” because he was a strategical and intelligent leader supported by the many battles he has won. The famous philosopher Aristotle taught Alexander which would support how Alexander was so intelligent; he was taught by one of the most intelligent people...
Alexander the Great亚历山大大帝 AlexandertheGreat Alexander •AlexanderIIIofMacedon(20/21July356–10/11June323BC),commonlyknownasAlexandertheGreat,wasakingofMacedon,astateinnorthernancientGreece.BorninPellain356BC,AlexanderwastutoredbyAristotleuntiltheageof16.Bytheageofthirty,hehadcreatedoneofthelargest...