Alexander and the Indian King - Part 2Schlichter, JohnPM World Journal
Ch. I. Of Philip, the Father of Alexander the Great, King of Macedon Ch. II. Of Alexander the Great §1. A briefe rehearsal! ofAlexanders doings, before hee inuaded Asia. Alexander, afterward called the Great, succeeded vnto Philip his Father; being a Prince no lesse valiant by ...
8. Gelfand vs A Moiseenko ½-½ 15 2006 Russian Club Cup E16 Queen's Indian 9. Grischuk vs A Moiseenko 1-0 102 2006 Russian Club Cup E04 Catalan, Open, 5.Nf3 10. A Moiseenko vs Radjabov ½-½ 13 2006 Russian Club Cup E61 King's Indian REFINE SEARCH: White wins (1-0)...
1.N Urusov vs Alekhine0-1331905Shakhmatnoe Obozrenie Corr Tourney No. 16C33King's Gambit Accepted 2.Alekhine vs A Gize½-½41190516th Correspondence TournamentC33King's Gambit Accepted 3.Alekhine vs R Geish-Ollisevich1-022190516th Correspondence TournamentC39King's Gambit Accepted ...
[Alexander’s letter to Aristotle reporting his Indian experiences and peoples: Alexander does some ethnography and paradoxography] (17) Now Alexander wrote a letter to Aristotle about his experiences: “King Alexander sends greeting to Aristotle. I must relate our a...
Alexander and the Indian King: Part 1Schlichter, JohnPM World Journal
Atking: <btw, carlsen has played 61 classical games so far this year, anand has played 27, kramnik has played 20. most of the players carlsen has faced, have also had much more busy schedules than anand (and kramnik), so in addition to "level", it might also have something to do...
Alexander and the Indian King - Part 7Schlichter, JohnPM World Journal
Alexander and the Indian King - Part 6Schlichter, JohnPM World Journal
Alexander and the Indian King - Part 5Schlichter, JohnPM World Journal