He lived, in fact, in an age when great personal andmental powers had scarcely any other field for their exercise thanthis. He entered upon his career with great ardor, and the position inwhich he was placed gave him the opportunity to act in it withprodigious effect.There were several ...
According to document C, “When the last organized resistance was broken, Alexander and his army went on a wild search. Alexander had ordered that all except those who took safety in the temple were to be put to death,”(Green Doc C). This shows that Alexander the great was really ...
If you believe the Alexander historians, the end of the conqueror’s life was marred by a mind gone wild: suspicion, fear, megalomania. All caused by the way he had lived. Hemingway’s life took its toll on him as well, leading to his suicide in 1961. I love Hemingway’s books. If...
Alexander of Macedon, commonly known as Alexander the Great, was born in July of 356 B.C.E born to Phillip of Macedon and Olympias of Epirus, in the ancient city of Pella. Alexander had succeeded his father at the tender age of twenty. Phillip II of Macedon did not get the chance to...
In decision making, the whole body of citizens together would have the necessary knowledge in order generally to reach the right decision, even though the individual might not be particularly qualified to decide. The philosopher Aristotle (384-322 B.C.), who lived at a time when the city-...
The reign of Alexander the Great was short-lived. After subduing all of the Persian Empire, his army marched east and got as far as India before turning back home to Macedon. But he never made it home. At just 32 years old, Alexander died in Persia in the palace of Nebuchadnezzar II ...
Hellenism is when the Greek culture is spread and blended in with a different culture. He was king of Macedonia, Egypt, Persia, and other places that he conquered so it was fairly easy for him to spread the culture (“Alexander the Great”). Some examples of the Hellenistic culture being...
But, during the process of risingto this ascendency, his character was sadly changed. He lost thesimplicity, the temperance, the moderation, and the sense of justicewhich characterized his early years. He adopted the dress and theluxurious manners of the Persians. He lived in the palaces of ...