Within a year, Alexander had destroyed Thebes and enslaved the Theban people.Alexander Invades Persia In 334BC, Alexander attacked the Persians whose army was much larger than his own .Alexander Invades Egypt In 332BC, Alexander wen 5、t to Egypt. The Egyptian governor there surrendered without...
AlexanderInvadesEgypt •In332BC,AlexanderwenttoEgypt.ThePersiangovernortheresurrenderedwithoutafight.AlexanderwascrownedPharaoh.MarchingHome In327BC,AlexandercrossedtheIndusRiverandwantedtoexpandhisempiredeeperintoIndia.Buthisexhaustedsoldiersrefusedtogoanyfarther.TheDeathofAlexander •In323BC,Alexandervisitedthecity...
Alexander Invades Egypt ? In 332BC, Alexander went to Egypt. The Persian governor there surrendered without a fight. Alexander was crowned Pharaoh. Marching Home In 327BC, Alexander crossed the Indus River and wanted to expand his empire deeper into India. But his exhausted soldiers refused to ...
Alexandertheconqueror Althoughhewas only20yearsold, Alexander,wasas strongaleaderas hisfatherhadbeen. Withinayear, Alexanderhad destroyedThebes andenslavedthe Thebanpeople. AlexanderInvadesPersia •In334BC, Alexander attackedthe Persianswhose armywasmuch ...
Phillip II And Alexander The Great TheArrivalOfMacedonia:PhillipIIAndAlexanderTheGreat TheNorthernGreeks:TheMacedonians KingdomofMacedoniawasnorthofGreeceMacedonianswereconsideredbarbaricandnotworthyofGreekattentionMacedonianshadtheirownproblemsdealingwithinvasionsfromEuropeandconstantfightingamongstthemselves ...
His warlike Amazon her Host invades,Th' Imperial Consort of the Crown of Spades.The Club's black Tyrant first her Victim dy'd,Spite of his haughty Mien, and barb'rous Pride: What boots the Regal Circle on his Head,His Giant Limbs in State unwieldy spread?That long behind he trails his...
Alexander Invades Egypt ? In 332BC, Alexander went to Egypt. The Persian governor there surrendered without a fight. Alexander was crowned Pharaoh. Marching Home In 327BC, Alexander crossed the Indus River and wanted to expand his empire deeper into India. But his exhausted soldiers refused to ...
Alexander invades India, defeating several local rulers. His last great battle is against KingPorusat Hydaspes River. Afterward, his weary troops refuse to go further, and he is forced to turn back. A disastrous march through the Gedrosia desert causes great suffering and many deaths. ...
Alexander the Great's empireAlexander the Great's conquests spread Greek civilization and culture into Asia and Egypt. His vast empire stretched eastward into India.Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.Alexander invades India, defeating several local rulers. His last great battle is against King Porus at...