The Battle of the Hydaspes in 326 BCE was the last battle fought by Alexander the Great during his Asian campaign. Alexander’s army defeated the forces of the Indian king Porus. Alexander’s superior tactics, including crossing a river in pouring rain t
Alexander the Great, pictured on this silver Ancient Greek coin, was legendary for his military prowess. Conquering the Persian Empire After securing peace in Greece, Alexander set out to fulfill his father's goal of conquering the Persian Empire. In 334 Alexander launched a massive campaign, acc...
FIGURES OF GRAND ALEXANDERS PERIOD USED AS CHESS PIECES12 special statuette figures representing Alexander the Great's campaign.MARINAKIS PARASKEUAS
A Roman mosaic of Alexander the Great. Always the savvy strategist, Alexander knew that he couldn’t rule the Greek mainland by fear and brute force alone. So as he turned his attention back to Persia, Alexander framed his campaign against the Achaemenid Empire as a patriotic retaliation for ...
Alexander The Great. Self: Kentler Ve Gölgeler. Alexander III of Macedon, most commonly known as Alexander the Great, was a king of the ancient Greek kingdom of Macedon. He succeeded his father Philip II to the throne in 336 BC at the age of 20 and sp
Arrian’s Alexandrou Anabasis constitutes the most reliable account at our disposal about Alexander the Great's campaign in Asia. However, whereas the work has been thoroughly studied as a historical source, its literary qualities have been relatively ne
Darius was killed in 330, Alexander declared himself King of Asia. He spent the next two years consolidating his control over the Persian empire and its vast wealth. During his campaign, Alexander revealed other abilities besides military prowess. As an administrator, he incorporated native rulers ...
58. “My logisticians are a humorless lot … they know if my campaign fails, they are the first ones I will slay.”― Alexander the Great 59. “When you bury my body, don’t build any momentum and keep my hands outside so that the world knows that the person who won the whole ...
Near the site of the battle of the river Hydaspes—the costliest victory of his Indian campaign—Alexander founded the city of Bucephala, named for his favorite horse, which was mortally wounded in the battle. 4. When Alexander met his future wife, Roxanne, it was love at first sight. ...
亚历山大大帝陵墓(英语:Tomb of Alexander the Great)的位置长久以来仍是一个未解之谜。 The location of the tomb of Alexander the Great is an enduring mystery. LASER-wikipedia2 他因在前326~前324年印度战争(英语:Indian campaign of Alexander the Great)之后从印度河向波斯湾的著名航行而为人所知。