1-Sentence-Summary:Alexander Hamiltonwill inspire you to boldly use your strengths to change the world as it tells the story of a poor orphan who grew to become one of the most intelligent, ambitious, and influential people in American history. Read in:4 minutes Favorite quote from the autho...
Where Was Alexander Hamilton Born? Hamilton was born on the Caribbean island of Nevis in either 1755 or 1757. His father, the Scottish trader James Hamilton, and mother, Rachel Faucette Lavien, weren’t married. Rachel was still married to another man at the time of Hamilton’s birth, bu...
1. Biography Alexander Hamilton, the author of this letter to George Washington, bolstered an impressive resume as a politician, war general, economist,...
英文歌词链接:genius.com/Lin-manuel-miranda-alexander-hamilton-lyrics 中文翻译: AARON BURR: 一个野种,孤儿,荡?-妇生的苏格兰后裔 冥冥之中降生于 加勒比海被遗忘的不毛之地 肮脏落魄,一贫如洗 如何成长为一名才子,一代传奇? JOHN LAURENS: 十美元上的国父被父亲抛弃 (注:十美元纸币上的头...
Alexander Hamilton是白水我在整部剧中最爱的一首歌,没有之一。不仅因为波澜壮阔的历史,也因为有血有肉的灵魂,当然最动人的,肯定还是这份英雄情怀。 在任何时代,我们都需要个人英雄梦这份鸡血和鸡汤。希望你也是,永远奋进,永不妥协,走崭新的路,绝不回头。
还有很多call back,比如前面Eliza唱给Hamilton,后面就变成Hamilton唱给Eliza。华盛顿铺垫了很多次“History has its eyes on me.”“Let me tell you what I wish I'd know, when I was young and dreamed of glory, you have no control: who lives, who dies, who tells your story.”,最后竟然是Eliza...
He named this plan "the Hamilton Project" after the U.S.' first Treasury Secretary, Alexander Hamilton. Snow thinks that Hamilton's name is being misused by being associated with Rubin's proposal. The debate, and scholars' opinions, are presented.Wall Street Journal - Eastern Edition...
So instead, she passes Hamilton off to her younger sister Eliza, who’s already smitten. Once Angelica watches the two of them together, she realizes her mistake; she regrets that she “sized him up so quickly,” but dares not get between her gentle sister and the man she loves. ...
Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr met on the dueling ground one fateful day, but their story started much earlier. Sign up for Inside History Get HISTORY’s most fascinating stories delivered to your inbox three times a week. By submitting your information, you agree to receive emails from HIST...
All about Hamilton Sep 2024 • Family Erik was our guide on the tour of Hamilton's life in NYC. He was friendly and knowledgeable and answered extra questions were had along the way.We did this tour in the early afternoon before going to see the Broadw...