《汉密尔顿》(Hamilton)是“林漫威”(Lin-Manuel Miranda)编写并主演的一部融合了hip-pop,R&B,流行,soul,传统舞台剧曲风的音乐剧,讲述的是美国国父之一亚历山大·汉密尔顿(Alexander Hamilton)的生平故事。 2015年到今天,《汉密尔顿》一路从off-broadway走到正式于百老汇上演,之后又有伦敦西区等其他编排版本,斩获了所有...
(虽然也确实是自己加的字幕就是了)歌词参考:https://songtextes.de/songtexte/hamilton-musical-alexander-hamilton-german 演唱时省略的音节我也保留了。意思方面,我个人感觉有几句相比原版还是改动蛮大的(虽然整体大意可以说是差不多)中译有珠玉在前,我又才疏学浅,所以只是补个德语字幕了…… 展开更多...
当了17年的reader还是想挑战开场曲Alexander Hamilton哈哈哈哈还是一个人和声的熟悉操作,太难了太难了...有可能是成年前最后一个cover?提前祝自己生日快乐哈翻唱/和声: Tracy视频制作: TracyThanks for watching!!!
B Hamilton, the musical about Alexander Hamilton and the American founding fathers (开国元勋),becomes one of the most popular musicals not only in Broadway (百老汇), America, but all over the world since it has come out. It received 11 Tony Awards, including best musical, and 16 Tony nomin...
https://www.broadway.com/shows/hamilton-broadway/ https://hamiltonmusical.com/new-york/ 伦敦西区...
Alexander Hamilton Musical Walking Tour 0 2 hours Free Cancellation From $81.87 Likely to Sell Out Hamilton's Wall Street 19 3 hours Free Cancellation From $148.07 Likely to Sell Out In The Heights Musical Walking Tour 0 2 hours Free Cancellation From $81.87 Likely to Sell Ou...
9733 Alexander Hamilton by:Wendy的音频 74 BEST of Alexander Voitovich-Alexander Voitovich by:小众style 4111 Alexander读唐诗 by:英文主播花下的老鼠 323 Mansions-Alexander Spit by:嘻哈有态度 491 Alexander the Great by:樱花小美女 104 Rainbow Road-Arthur Alexander by:小众style 720 Alexander and the ...
Celebratory biographical depictions have played no small role in this pattern, with Lin-Manuel Miranda's hit Broadway musical Hamilton serving as a prominent popularizer of Alexander Hamilton's life story. Miranda's depiction falls short of hagiography, displaying certain complexities of his ...
Over 1K fans have voted on the 14 Facts About Alexander Hamilton Left Out Of The Musical. Current Top 3: Hamilton Was With Peggy Schuyler When She Perished, ...
原曲:《Alexander Hamilton》出自:音乐剧《Hamilton》演唱:白水翻译:E_nqi恩琪(BV1oD4y1A72p)(已授权)翻译修改:白水视频来源:BV1RS4y1A7nV, 视频播放量 258、弹幕量 0、点赞数 8、投硬币枚数 4、收藏人数 1、转发人数 0, 视频作者 瓢子瓜瓜呱呱, 作者简介 混乱邪