J. COWEN (2009): "Alexander Hamilton, Central Banker: Crisis Management during the U.S. Financial Panic of 1792." Business History Review 83, Spring, 61-86.Sylla, Richard, Robert E. Wright, and David J. Cowen (2009). "Alexander Hamilton, Central Banker: ...
Aaron Burr was the third vice president of the United States (1801–05), who killed his political rival, Alexander Hamilton, in a duel (1804).
Burr angered Hamilton further by running successfully against Hamilton’s father-in-law, Philip Schuyler, for theU.S. Senatein 1791. “I fear [Burr] is unprincipled both as a public and private man,” Hamilton wrote in 1792, adding that “I feel it a religious duty to oppose his career...
“From George Washington to Alexander Hamilton, 29 July 1792,” Founders Online, National Archives (http://founders.archives.gov/documents/Washington/05-10-02-0401, ver. 2013-12-27). Source: The Papers of George Washington, Presidential Series, vol. 10, 1 March 1792 – 15 August 1792, ed...