During th e design of a multipl e telegraph, Bell invented A.poor B.creztive th e tclehon e occusionlly() C.rich3. Alexander Graham Bell was not a man to rest and he D.kind was an iuvento: all his life第三步研读 — —能力升华接轨高考4. Bell sent his first tclephon e messsg...
During the design of a multiple telegraph, Bell inventedA.poorB.creativethe telephone occasionally.()C.richD.kind3. Alexander Graham Bell was not a man to rest and he第三步研读——能力升华接轨高考was an inventor all his life.()根据Ps教材课文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或4. Bell sent his...
By connecting two of these telegraphs, he was able to make 6.first two-way conversa-tion happen over a phone line. A few weeks later, he applied for a patent(申请专利) on the tele-phone 7.started producing them shortly after with success.Today, Alexander Graham Bell has changed the ...
Alexander Graham Bell is often thought to be the father of the telephone. However, there were many other scientists, like Elisha Gray and Antonio Meucci, who also developed a talking telegraph (电报). It is not a simple thing to 1 who is the “father” of something. The name often ...
Bell's invention has changed our lives a lot. We can talk with the friends far away from us. We can order food even when we are not in the shop.生词卡片invent /In'vent/ v.发明telegraph /'teligra:f/ n.电报metal /'metl/n.金属receiver /ri'si:va(r)/ n.听筒continue /kan'tinju:...
He was interested in electricity (电) and, like Edison, worked successfully on improving the telegraph (电报). This led him to the invention of the telephone in 1876.But Bell's telephone had problems. It only worked over short distances (距离), and you had to shout really loud to be ...
telegraph.1. Alexander Graham Bell invented the microphone because. Bell knew if sound waves could be reproduced in a moving electrical 6. A. he was interested in the microphone they could be sent along a wire. B. he liked inventing anything he liked C. he wanted to help deaf people ...
Bell was trying to improve a machine called the telegraph. One day, his assistant in another room moved a piece of metal. Bell heard it on the wire in another room. He realized sound could be sent and beard over a wire. This shortly led to the invention of the telephone in 1876.1....
1.【答案】a【解析】题干的意思是“谁教Alexander Graham Bell使用Visible Speech的?”根据文章第二段“Alexander learnt to use Visible Speech from his father(Alexander从他爸爸那里学习Visible Speech)”可知,是Alexander的爸爸教他的。结合选项,a 选项的意思是他的爸爸;b 选项的意思是他的妈妈;c 选项的意思...
Full Time Scientist In 1873, Bell quit teaching so he could spend his time working on his experiments. He opened a lab and began working on a way to transmit the human voice by telegraph. Photo courtesy of the Library of Congress: Rogers, J. H. (Photographer). (1884). Photographing sou...