Alexa, turn on 设备名 ———打开窗帘; Alexa, turn off 设备名 ———关闭窗帘。 (Alexa本身不支持窗帘这个品类,我们把窗帘当做开关类设备来处理,打开窗帘对应turn on,关闭窗帘对应turn off;所以窗帘只支持打开关闭,不支持暂停;turn on/off curtain 的表述 方式也很诡异,但是只能这么做) 【电视遥控器 】 Ale...
Consumers(消费者) like the idea of a simple voice command like this to make their home a place of simplicity, where having a simple conversation with a human-like personal assistant such as Amazon's Alexa completes small tasks like turning on the lights, changing the temperature, or checking...
这样就同步设备到alexa的云端 7:对echo 说 turn on the 《deviceName》,或者其他语言指令,就可以控制设备 alexa的原理 先看下图: 1:对alexa说 turn on the light。alexa根据turn on 知道调用smarthome skill。根据 light 去云端查询light的ID,因为你在“如何设置”的第6部中有同步设备名字和id到alexa的云端,所...
Occasionally in some setups, the TV, sound bar or AV receiver wouldn't turn on automatically when the entire system was off and I issued a command like "Watch Netflix." I had to follow with "Turn on the TV." Having to say "Alexa" all the time can really become tiring, and a lot...
Turn lights on or off: "Alexa, turn on the lights" or, "Alexa, turn off the living room lights." Dim the lights: "Alexa, dim the lights to 50%." Change the color of the lights: "Alexa, make the living room lights red" or, " Alexa, turn the lights to soft white." ...
Alexa, turn on device ( Open's a garage door ) Alexa, turn off device ( Close's a garage door ) See example for using a routine to fix the wording Window coverings / blinds With blind = false Alexa, turn on device ( Open's blinds ) Alexa, turn off device ( Close's blinds ) ...
Alexa, play Lorde in the living room.(Alexa,在客厅播放Lorde的歌曲。) 正在客厅播放Lorde的电台。 “Alexa, Turn It Up”(“Alexa,调大音量”) 大声说出指令,畅享美妙声音。 使用Sonos上内置的Amazon Alexa,享受语音控制的便利。可能因地理区域不同而异 ...
The Alexa Skills Kit SDK for Node.js helps you get a skill up and running quickly, letting you focus on skill logic instead of boilerplate code. - alexa/alexa-skills-kit-sdk-for-nodejs
Once detected, remember that Alexa thinks the garage door is a light bulb, so it will respond to "turn on" and "turn off," but not to "open" or "close." To open the door say Alexa: "Alexa, turn on the garage door". It sounds silly, but if it saves you from having to get ...
become my go-to shopping list maker, entertainment center while cooking, and assistant to control smart devices around my home. I use it to ask Alexa for the weather while I'm setting up the kids' backpacks on school nights and to run my smart home routines to turn on the backyard ...