The Amazon Fire TV Cube's well-designed voice controls make it a superb alternative to a standard universal remote, especially for simpler systems.
Alexa 唤醒echo音箱,这时可以看到音箱亮起蓝色的光圈 turn on 表示打开,对应的turn off表示关闭 my device 就是设备名称 其他参考语法:smart home支持常用的控制语法,例如 Alexa,turn on my device Alexa,turn off my device Alexa,turn my device on Alexa,turn my device off Alexa,turn on the my device Al...
Get help and learn about all things Alexa, from device set-up, to using features and skills, to privacy settings and more. Let us help you personalize your Alexa experience and get more out of your Amazon Echo device, works with Alexa or Alexa built in d
Consumers (消费者) like the idea that a simple voice command like this can make their home a place of simplicity, where having a simple conversation with a human-like personal assistant such as Amazon's Alexa, completes small tasks like turning on the lights, changing the temperature, or ...
深入理解Amazon Alexa Skill(一) 语音助手(Virtual Personal Assistants, VPA)是物联网智能家居中很火的一个领域,用户可以通过语言作为入口来控制家里各种各样的设备,而亚马逊的Alexa(echo,echo dot)是做的最早也是最优秀的一款产品,衍生出了很大的开发生态圈。本文基于亚马逊的官方文档试图记录作者对其Skill工作原理的...
Consumers(消费者) like the idea of a simple voice command like this to make their home a place of simplicity, where having a simple conversation with a human-like personal assistant such as Amazon's Alexa completes small tasks like turning on the lights, changing the temperature, or checking...
最近调研了一下Amazon Alexa智能语音服务,这里记录一下调研到的信息; Alexa基本上就是Amazon智能音箱Echo的大脑,比如用查天气举例:用户说“What's the weather in Seattle”,Echo都会发送至Alexa去处理,提取特征“weather”、“Seattle”,分析用户的语义,再根据语义去查天气信息,然后将查到的信息返回给Echo,Echo收到...
下载Amazon Alexa app:以安卓为例,需要准备一台可以下载Google应用商店Google Play的手机,搜索Amazon Alexa App 下载Alexa应用程序。 使用邮箱注册alexa app账号。 添加alexa技能测试白名单:登录alexa控制台 在Distribution-->Availability-->Beta Test 下添加你的Alexa ...
Once Amazon Kids is enabled in the Alexa app, you’ll still need to ask Alexa on the device itself to open Amazon Kids, otherwise it’ll behave as though there are no parental controls We also tried asking Alexa on the device to turn off Amazon Kids and revert back to normal mode, ...
“Alexa, turn on the babara ” “Alexa, turn off the babara” “Alexa, set the babara to red ” “Alexa, set the babara to warmwhite” 至此,您可以通过Amazon Echo系列智能音箱对智能球泡灯进行语音控制开/关、改变颜色/色温等操作。