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For example, a nighttime routine could start at 8pm on weekdays. First, Alexa can call out to the kids’ speakers, “It’s time to brush your teeth and get ready for bed.” Then, it can set a timer or play a 2-minute song. After that, Alexa can say, “Put your homework in you...
"Timer set for ten minutes. Would you like to buy Amazon's Choice Classroom Timers for Teachers. A two-pack is only $6.95. Would you like to act before midnight tonight and place your order for neon-colored timing happiness?"Or, perhaps they'll put ads in our wake-up alarms. ...
I’m having to reset and readd my smart light bulbs again and again and the routines I’ve set in the past I can’t get to turn off even when I’ve deleted the routine and reset the light bulb it still comes on at the same time I had my old routine set on. I’ve put smart...
If you have anAlexaspeaker, you can put it to work in the morning. Here are seven ways Alexa can help yourkidsget ready and out the door every the morning. Alarms The obvious use forAmazon'ssmart speaker in the morning is an alarm. But it's not just any alarm. You can place anEch...
Try saying: "Alexa, set a timer for five minutes," "Alexa, play the Reuters news briefing," "Alexa, open my daily horoscope," or "Alexa, find my phone." The possibilities are endless. Be sure to reference the "more" tab on the Alexa app to browse through all of the Echo Dot's ...
OK, so I have been living with these for a couple of months now and I feel I can say some things with more confidence.1. Comfort is still a bit hit or miss. I will say the choice to put those microphones or whatever those things that stick out on the insides of the earcups was...
The more Alexa smart home compatible devices you integrate, the easier it is for your home to function. When all of these products work together, you can put your time to other uses and rest easy knowing that your home is safe and secure....
The Echo Look categorizes your clothes by season, occasion, weather and color so you can easily scroll through what you own and put an outfit together. After you've picked your outfit for the day, take a full-length photo or video of your outfit to keep track of what you wear on a ...
If you’re in need of a quick midday power nap, there’s a routine for that too. After you say “Alexa, nap time,” have Alexa turn off the lights, close the curtains or blinds and play a relaxing sound from theSleep Sounds skill. Set a timer to go off in 30 minutes, and use...