一旦Alexa Echo 与 Amazon Music 配对,您就可以通过说“Alexa,播放 [歌曲名称]”或“Alexa,播放 [艺术家名称]”开始在 Alex 上播放 Amazon 音乐。 如何通过 Amazon Music 应用程序将音乐投射到 Alexa 到目前为止,我们已经与您分享了如何将 Alexa 与 Amazon Music 连接。最重要的是 Alexa 的惊人投射功能。借助 A...
亚马逊Echo sport上的Alexa 如果你期待Alexa能够拥有更具实际应用性,那么你或许会对这则新闻感兴趣:Alexa现在可为用户搭建Amazon Music播放列表。用户可要求Alexa搭建一个全新的播放列表,或者是通过语音指令在现有播放列表之中增加歌曲等等。当然,想要体验这一功能,用户首先需要订阅Amazon Music。 Prime Music或...
9月26日,华尔街日报报道称,亚马逊看到智能语音助手Alexa带火智能音箱echo后,也希望将Alexa加入到旗下的Amazon Music App中。报道称,亚马逊宣布本周二就将Alexa加入到Amazon Music App中,这样做是为了与拥有更多市场份额的Spotify和Apple Music等竞争对手形成差异化优势。这样一来,Amazon Music的用户就可以像使用echo...
9月26日,华尔街日报报道称,亚马逊看到智能语音助手Alexa带火智能音箱echo后,也希望将Alexa加入到旗下的Amazon Music App中。报道称,亚马逊宣布本周二就将Alexa加入到Amazon Music App中,这样做是为了与拥有更多市场份额的Spotify和Apple Music等竞争对手形成差异化优势。这样一来,Amazon Music的用户就可以像使用echo一样...
如果您使用的是安卓设备,请确认 Google Play 商店中是不是有 Apple Music App 或 Amazon Alexa App 的任何更新。使用Alexa 设置 Apple Music打开Amazon Alexa App。 在右下角,轻点“More”(更多)。 轻点“Skills & Games”(技能与游戏)。 在右上角,轻点搜索栏,然后输入“Apple Music”。 轻点“Enable To ...
Control music playback on another Alexa speaker: "Alexa, stop in the kitchen" or, "Alexa, next in the office." Restart song: "Alexa, restart." Add a song to your Prime Music library: "Alexa, add this song." Create a playlist in Amazon Music: "Alexa, create a new playlist," or,...
“Alexa, play classic rock radio on Pandora.” “Alexa, play my {playlist name} playlist on Apple Music.” “Alexa, play {song title} on Amazon Music.” You can head to theSkills & Gamesarea, select the app that you connected or want to connect, and review some of the commands avail...
Part 1: Before Playing Apple Music with Alexa: What You Need Part 2: How to Play Apple Music with Alexa on Amazon Echo Speaker Part 3: Tips for Playing Apple Music Playlists via Alexa Bonus: How to Download Apple Music and Save with Alexa Forever for PlaybackHOT!
Set Amazon Music as default on the next screen. Tip: Know how to play Spotify with Echo. Fix 3: Set Playlist to Public on Amazon Music Step 1: Open the Amazon Music app and go to your playlist. Step 2: Tap the Share icon and select Make Public. Fix 4: Check Your Amazon Music ...
to Amazon'spress release, you can ask Alexa to play music based on genre, decade, mood, tempo, activity, and lyrics. For example, before a long drive, you can ask Alexa to "play music for a road trip." Before a workout, you can ask Alexa to "play pop music for lifting ...