Learn how to set up your Echo device with our easy setup guide. Get tips on how to connect Alexa to the Wi-Fi, download the Alexa app, and more.
用手机的摄像头扫描二维码以打开 Alexa 应用。1 安装应用 请确保手机上安装了 Alexa 应用。 2 扫描二维码 在手机上打开相机应用并扫描二维码。 3 点击提醒 要打开 Alexa 应用,请点击提醒。
Alexa puts the smart in Echo smart speakers, screens, and wearables. Alexa lives in the cloud, which means you can ask Alexa for help wherever you find Alexa —in Echo, Fire TV, Fire tablets, and other Alexa-compatible devices. Alexa is even in the Alexa app on your smartphone. Q. ...
Alexa Echo Show是一款智能音箱,具有语音助手、视频通话、音乐播放、智能家居控制等多种功能。因为它集成了语音识别技术和图像显示技术,能够通过语音指令控制家电、查询天气、播放音乐、订阅新闻等,同时还能进行视频通话和查看图片、视频等功能,实现了更加丰富的智能家居体验。除了以上功能,它还可以与其他智...
亚马逊 Echo Show 10 终于获得了急需的 Alexa 功能 亚马逊 Echo Show 10智能显示器的所有者将很快能够利用对话模式中的一项漂亮的新功能。这一新设置将允许用户与 Alexa 进行更长、更轻松的对话,无需为每个单一请求重复语音助手的唤醒词。据SlashGear报道,用户可以通过说“Alexa,加入对话”来启动对话模式。这将使...
alexa echo show 可以安装APP吗 Alexa工具栏使用Toolbar Bands和Browser Help Object技术嵌入IE浏览器。 Alexa Toolbar可以获得当前浏览器的IWebBrowser2接口,通过这个接口就可以对浏览器为所欲为了。不过Alexa Toolbar的实现十分奇怪:它的界面和主程序是用HTML和javascript实现的,这就是大家经常抱怨使用Alexa Toolbar后...
Echo Show With Zigbee|Echo Show 5 2023|Alexa Integration:Seamlessly control your smart home with Alexa, from lights to cameras, using the interactive display. Smart Display:Enhance your space with a 5.5 touch screen, perfect for streaming videos and displaying photos. ...
亚马逊今天在Alexa助手驱动的设备列表当中增加了一个新的智能显示屏 - 亚马逊Echo Show 5,售价89.99美元。新型号有一个5.5英寸的触摸屏,上面有一个摄像头;为了保护隐私,有一个按钮可以关闭麦克风和摄像头,阻止Alexa收听,还有一个可以在摄像头上滑动的物理快门。
app("sample"); app.intent("number", { "slots": { "number": "AMAZON.NUMBER" }, "utterances": ["say the number {-|number}"] }, function(request, response) { var number = request.slot("number"); response.say("You asked for the number " + number); } ); // setup the alexa ...
It happens to the best of us—a lost cell phone at the most inopportune time. But Cell Phone Finder provides a lifeline. After a short setup process when enabling the skill, you'll be ready to go. And when that time comes, just ask Alexa, and your phone will start ringing. ...