Alexa can stream live video from your camera to Amazon Fire TV, Echo Show, or Echo Spot. Just ask Alexa. Learn More Look, No Hands! We all have our hands full sometimes. Now, with D-Link smart plugs you can ask Alexa to turn on the lights, or fan. Without lifting a finger. ...
Amazon Echoは、音声による操作で、常にハンズフリーで利用でき、いつでも反応します。ユーザーが部屋のさまざまなところから声をかけ、各種の情報や音楽の再生、ニュース、天気などの情報を求めると、Alexaが直ぐに対応します。Alexa Skills Kitを使って、魅力的な音声体験を開発し、Alexaの使え...
Amazon is finally ready to enter the world of LLMs. 1 By Simon Batt Aug 27, 2024 Best Amazon Echo devices in 2024 Amazon There's no shortage of Echo devices on the market, so we're highlighting the best ones you can buy right now. By Samuel Martinez Nov 19, 2023 Best Amazo...
Amazon Echo是由亚马逊公司研制的智能音箱。Amazon Echo共有三个版本,分别是:入门级的 Dot、标准版的 Echo、以及便携版的 Tap。Echo 的外形和一般的蓝牙音箱没什么区别,也没有任何屏幕,唯一的交互方式就是语音。Alexa是Amazon音箱语音助手,类似于iPhone的Siri和Google的Assistant。Alexa 相当于 Echo 的大脑,所有输入输...
Alexa Calling 功能可在任何 Amazon Echo 智能扬声器和 Amazon Echo Show 智能显示器上使用。不过,在使用 Alexa Calling 之前,您需要授予 Alexa 从智能手机访问联系人的权限。 为此,打开 Alexa 智能手机应用程序并点击屏幕左下角的通信图标。然后,系统会要求您验证您的手机号码并授予 Alexa 代表您拨打电话的权限。
You'll also be able to try Alexa+ on your web browser, the Alexa app, compatible Fire TVs, and Fire tablets. This experience is not currently supported on Alexa Built-in devices and Amazon Astro, however we look forward to expanding Alexa+ to additional devices in the future. What ...
Amazon Alexa在Echo设备上获得实时翻译功能 亚马逊正在提升其语音助手在以语言为中心的技能部门的地位。Alexa现在可以进行实时翻译,这使说两种不同语言的用户可以相互交流。实时翻译功能使用Amazon的自动语音识别和文本转语音技术。它可以“自动识别正在说哪种语言并翻译每一侧”,同时还可以考虑自然停顿。官方博客说:“在...
1、下载并安装amazon alexa(或者amazon echo) app; 2、注册alexa账号,并配对您的echo音箱; 二、添加易微联的ewelink smart home fan技能 1、点击Alexa app左上角的菜单 2、在菜单中选择skills进入skill商店; 3、在搜索栏输入eWeLink进行搜索; 4、搜索结果中将出现eWeLink Smart Home Fan的技能,点击进入详情; ...
Alexa is Amazon's cloud-based voice service that allows voice developers to create and manage their voice apps and integrate them with Alexa-related smart devices. Visit the Alexa Developer site to view a comprehensive tutorial.
Get help and learn about all things Alexa, from device set-up, to using features and skills, to privacy settings and more. Let us help you personalize your Alexa experience and get more out of your Amazon Echo device, works with Alexa or Alexa built in d