Katz's paintings are divided almost equally into the genres of portraiture and landscape. Since the 1960s he has painted views of New York (especially his immediate surroundings in Soho), the landscapes of Maine, where he spends several months every year, as well as portraits of family members...
“Alex Katz: Gathering,” Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York 2021 "Alex Katz: New Paintings," Gladstone Gallery, New York "Alex Katz," TRAMPS, New York "Alex Katz," Gladstone Gallery, Beijing, China "Alex Katz – Floating Worlds," Thaddaeus Ropac Pantin, Paris, France 2020 "...
Alex Katz is a renowned American figurative artist known for his simplified large-scale portraiture and landscape paintings. His paintings are done in a distinctive type of Realism characterized by a flat composition, bright colors, and depictions of ordinary scenes and lived in moments. Some of ...
The large-scale landscape and flower paintings in Alex Katz's recent exhibition are luminous paeans both to painterly gesture and to elementary color and form. A few of the landscapes might even pass for ions: Green Shadows, 2001, is mostly a furious scumble of dark brushwork; a handful of...
Alex Katz (exh. cat.). Paris, France: Galerie Roger D’Amécourt, 1977. Elsen-Schwedler, Beate and C. Sylvia Weber. Alex Katz: Prints, Paintings, Cutouts (exh. cat.). Schwäbisch Hall, Germany: Kunsthalle Wurth, 2010.Essl, Karlheinz, Liam Gillick and Lisa Grunwald. Alex Katz (exh....
The evolution of Alex Katz: nearly 80 years of restless innovation in portraiture and landscape across painting, works on paper and sculpture Across decades of intense creative production, Alex Katz has sought to capture a state of "absolute awareness" in paint. Whether evoking a glancing exchange...
Alex Katz又名 亚历克斯·卡茨, 是一位艺术家。 1979惠特尼双年展 (国际展) 简述 展览日期 ...已闭幕 1979年2月6日 - 1979年4月1日 展览馆惠特尼美国艺术博物馆(旧馆)(美国 New York City, NY) 策展人John G. Hanhardt、Barbara Haskell、Richard Marshall、Mark Segal、Patterson Sims 艺术家...
which he is famed. The exhibition brings together four works depicting Katz’ wife Ada with one larger multi-figure work. In 1957, Katz met Ada del Moro at a gallery opening. They married in the next year, and Ada became the most frequent subject of his paintings. By this time, Katz ...
His bold and simple paintings are noted as precursors to the Pop Art movement, Katz career includes a prolific oeuvre in printmaking, his prints adhering to the artist's unremitting style that characterized the subjects and spaces he immortalized. Genres: Figurative American Portraiture Landscape New...
His bold and simple paintings are noted as precursors to the Pop Art movement, Katz career includes a prolific oeuvre in printmaking, his prints adhering to the artist's unremitting style that characterized the subjects and spaces he immortalized. Genres: Figurative American Portraiture Landscape New...