Conveying meaning to assistive technologies Using color to add meaning only provides a visual indication, which will not be conveyed to users of assistive technologies – such as screen readers. Ensure that information denoted by the color is either obvious from the content itself (e.g. the visib...
通过使用警告框(alert)组件的 JavaScript 插件,可以为任何警告框(alert)组件添加内联的关闭按钮。步骤如下: 确保已加载了警告框(alert)组件的 JavaScript 插件,或者是 Bootstrap 的预编译 JavaScript 文件。 添加关闭按钮和.alert-dismissible类,这将在警告框(alert)组件的右侧增加额外的空间并放置关闭按钮。
All Bootstrap modals (and therefore Bootbox modals), unlike native alerts, confirms, or prompts, are asynchronous; meaning, the events which Bootstrap generates are non-blocking events. Because of this limitation, code that should not be evaluated until a user has dismissed your dialog must be...
isOpen uses a one-way data binding, meaning it will not automatically be set to false when the Alert is dismissed. Developers should listen for the ionAlertDidDismiss or didDismiss event and set isOpen to false. The reason for this is it prevents the internals of ion-alert from being ...
In browsers that supportposition:fixed, meaning all of them except MSIE6 and lower, the alert will stay with the user as they scroll. Thanks toKevinfor the education on that property value. This has been tested and verified to work in MSIE6, Firefox 1.0, Safari and Opera 7.1+. ...
This feature is position-aware, meaning the direction that users need to swipe will change based on the value of the position property. Additionally, the distance users need to swipe may be impacted by the positionAnchor property.AngularJavaScriptReactVue iOSMD src/app/example.component.html src/...
This is a protocol error, meaning the server did not provide an appropriate response. It usually means a system problem with your server. Another possibility is that the server requires a client-side SSL certificate to access it. In this case, the certificate needs to be installed in AlertSit...
A JSONPath expression specifies a path to an element (or a set of elements) in a JSON structure. Paths can use the dot notation: $[0].title or the bracket notation: $['store']['book'][0]['title'] or a mix of dot and bracket notations: ...
All Bootstrap modals (and therefore Bootbox modals), unlike native alerts, confirms, or prompts, are asynchronous; meaning, the events which Bootstrap generates are non-blocking events. Because of this limitation, code that should not be evaluated until a user has dismissed your dialog must be...
As role="alert" even seems to work across multiple tabs, this makes the whole thing even more difficult, meaning that they are announced by screen readers even if the user is browsing on a different tab. How disturbing is that? Hidden alerts are not recognised#Link to heading "Hidden alert...