Articles and information on Alert Box - the essential widget for any live-streamer. Find out how to set it up, customize it, increase tips, and much more.
I have an issue on OBS ver 28.1.2 for streamlabs alert box not showing up. I have deleted and re-added in but the strange thing is it works in the browser but on OBS. Is there a solution that I fix in my settings? More information in the video:
To customize your alert sound, visit the alert box settings in the Streamlabs Dashboard. Click on the Event Type you’d like to customize. In the example below, we will customize our “Tip” alert. Scroll down until you see “Sound.” Now, you can select the sound of your choice by ...
alert issue event streamlabs streamlabs alert box Replies: 2 Forum: Windows Support M Fixing my Follower Alert Hey, I just started streaming via OBS and set up my alertbox via a tutorial on YT. Like enabling the alerts on streamlabs and set all my alerts up there. I copied the link...