For a tutorial about Alerts, read our Bootstrap Alerts Tutorial.ClassDescriptionExample .alert Creates an alert message box Try it .alert-danger Red alert. Indicates a dangerous or potentially negative action Try it .alert-dark Dark alert. Dark grey alert box Try it .alert-dismissible Indicates...
$(function() { $(".close").click(function(){ $(".alert").alert('close'); }); }); 现在点击警告框的 '×' 符号,同样可以将它关闭并从 DOM 中删除。如果警告框被赋予了.fade和.in类,则在淡出之后才会被删除。 警告框插件的事件 $('#box').on('',function(){alert('警告提...
Bootstrap JS Alert❮ Previous Next ❯ JS Alert (alert.js)The alert plugin include options and methods to close alert messages. For a tutorial about Alerts, read our Bootstrap Alerts Tutorial.The Alert Plugin ClassesClassDescriptionExample .alert Creates an alert message box Try it .alert-...
Alert renders an alert bootstrap component.For example,echo Alert::widget([ 'options' => [ 'class' => 'alert-info', ], 'body' => 'Say hello...', ]); The following example will show the content enclosed between the begin() and end() calls within the alert box:Alert...
布局实现的主要是依靠于Bootstrap框架的网格系统,而缩略图对应的样式代码: bootstrap.css文件第4402行~第4426行/ .thumbnail {
Bootstrap Alert 使用 参考 不过这里没有动态alert的例子 于是再参考 <!DOCTYPE html><!--alert-error 是红色警告-->...
Ready To Get Started? Head on over to theGetting Startedpage, where you'll find the information you need to start using Bootbox, including the versions of Bootstrap we support and options for adding Bootbox to your project.
The Vue Modal Dialog component has several built-in themes such as Material, Bootstrap, Fabric (Office 365), Tailwind CSS, and High Contrast. Users can customize any one of these built-in themes or create new themes to achieve their own desired look and feel either by simply overriding SASS...
<!-- 引入bootbox相关 js --> 脚本使用 alert 警告框 bootbox.alert("This is the default alert!") Confirm 确认框 bootbox.confirm("This is the default confirm!",function(result){console.log('This was logged in the callback: '+ result); }); prompt...
#customAlertBox { animation: fadeIn 0.5s; } 五、实现事件监听 自定义弹窗通常需要绑定事件监听,响应用户的交互动作。事件监听有助于处理弹窗的打开和关闭逻辑。 添加事件监听器 通过编程方式在弹窗组件上添加事件监听: function bindEvents() { var closeButton = document.getElementById("closeButton"); ...