性别: 男 出生日期: 1914年4月2日 去世日期: 2000年8月5日 出生地: 英国,伦敦,马里波恩 更多中文名: 亚利克·基尼斯 更多外文名: Alec Guinness de Cuffe (本名) IMDb编号: nm0000027 职业: 演员/ 配音 / 编剧 关注 1909人关注
Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope(1977) Sally Guinness Self Extraordinary(2023) Jeremy Irons Self Dead Ringers(1988) John Irvin Self Widows' Peak(1994) Michael Jayston Self Nicholas and Alexandra(1971) Miriam Margolyes Self The Age of Innocence(1993) ...
Husband ofSylvia Merula (Salaman) Guinness— married 1938 in England, United Kingdom Father of[private son(1940s - unknown)] Died5 Aug 2000at age 86inMidhurst, West Sussex, England Problems/QuestionsProfile manager:England Project WikiTree[send private message] ...
Fans really believed The Force was with Alec Guinness after Star Wars was released in 1977. In an unearthed interview from the BBC’s Parkinson Talk Show, the late actor said he received some “very strange” letters after playing Obi-Wan Kenobi. “My wife and I’ve got pr...
Alec Guinness, British actor famous for the variety and excellence of his stage and screen characterizations. Among his notable films are Kind Hearts and Coronets, The Lavender Hill Mob, The Ladykillers, The Bridge on the River Kwai, The Horse’s Mouth,
Alec Guinness 1907人关注关注 简介 亚利克·基尼斯有“影坛千面人”之称,身世也十分奇特。他的出世纸上“父亲姓名”一栏是空白的,他的母亲生他时还没结婚,直到他五岁,母亲才结婚,三年后就离开了。这个私生子长大后查到自己的身世,原来自己是一户世袭贵族的后人。尽管如此,他以优秀的演技进入戏剧圈,1933年获奖学...
Sir Alec Guinness Dies at the Age of 86LEGENDARY ACTOR Sir Alec Guinness died on Saturday night at the age of 86, it was announced in the early hours of this morning.The Independent (London, England)