1,…n−1). You should load all packages onto k trucks which have the common maximum load P. Each truck can load consecutive packages (more than or equals to zero) from the belt conveyor unless the total weights of the packages in the sequence does not exceed the maximum load P....
Allocation Aizu - ALDS1_4_D You are given n packages of wi kg from a belt conveyor in order (i=0,1,…n−1). You should load all packages onto k trucks which have the common maximum load P. Each truck can load consecutive packages (more than or equals to zero) from the belt c...
代码: 1#include <iostream>23usingnamespacestd;4#defineMAX 1000005typedeflonglongllong;6intn,k;7llong T[MAX];89intcheck(llong P)10{11inti=0;12for(intj=0;j<k;j++)13{14llong s=0;15while(s+T[i]<=P)16{17s+=T[i];18i++;19if(i==n)returnn;20}21}22returni;23}2425intsolve...
希尔排序 ALDS1_2_D 这个算法实现起来花了一些时间,主要错误出在临近问题上,有运行时错误调试了不短的时间。 这个算法对比之前的几类算法,运行复杂度是都有所降低,如果去g=3*g+1,这个算法的复杂度维持在O(N^1.25)左右,对比之下,这是一个高效的算法,十分值得学习与借鉴。 有利于对数据进行灵活的排序处理 AI...
Aizu - ALDS1_1_D Maximum Profit 题目链接 https://vjudge.net/problem/Aizu-ALDS1_1_D 题目大意 给出一列数, 输出最大值 题目的坑 看似很简单, 直接两层for循环就可以搞定了, 但这会超时。(因为我就是这么做的..0.0) 典型的错误示例... #include<iostream> #include<stack> #include<cstring> #...
3 4 3 Sample Output 3 AC代码: #include<iostream>#include<algorithm>usingnamespacestd;#defineMAXN 200010intarr[MAXN];intmain(){std::ios::sync_with_stdio(false);cin.tie(0);cout.tie(0);intn;cin>>n;for(inti=0;i<n;i++)cin>>arr[i];intminn=arr[0];intmaxx=-0x3f3f3f3f;for(in...
5 3 5 2 1 4 Sample Output 1 6 Sample Input 2 3 3 1 2 Sample Output 2 2 Source: https://onlinejudge.u-aizu.ac.jp/problems/ALDS1_5_D 题意:求数列的逆序对 题解:分而治之的思想将数列分隔为左右两端L,R 然后从小到大排序再将L,R合并到一起时判断当R[j]<L[i]时这里于R[j]...
1 1 1Iuoupzypuoibal suaypam`a01p.s,p1 1 y1'Tn.du[1 1 11 11 11 fu1 1 q4 y1 y0101 om1 qy110y1 pofaDy 'ads311 1 1 q1 pd1 1 1 pu'y1 fpu 'ho1sy'ann)umos,au0oapa1 11 qpu'dy113 pw'11 w'ssoons10y Jo s1 1 yy1sofsn011 0T 'sp1 p1 pp1 1'11 1 1ud31 4 ...
1 1al!o叫 D ''s1 ss,o S 1V ‘'sp alD 7'''al p 'I10S 1us! 1I 's,uy uoSs,1I 31 sy11D'y'01 1y1 1 yI 'syI ds yI 'mupga'uu( 并) '\1 16 q'T 'q'0'6 1opuop1 8ob asaundor 'O asa ' ysybu ' '9 auoy d nq''!q''s!H as 'u ''&pp D...
链接:http://judge.u-aizu.ac.jp/onlinejudge/description.jsp?id=ALDS1_6_D 一个数组构成许多小的闭环(循环链)每个闭环中各个元素交换到自己的位置有两种方法; 1,找当前闭环中的最小值,一直换就好,设闭环中有n个元素,每个元素的价值为wi则交换的代价为(∑wi-min(w1)+(n-1)*min(wi)); ...