7⃣️ Passionfruit kamahi honey yogurt ice cream $5.99 这个酸奶冰淇淋真的超级好吃!外面酸甜的百香果味道,里面是香浓的酸奶,细腻酸甜,一支大概80多卡路里。8⃣️ Mini Donuts $4.99 这个其实是甜甜圈球吧,烤箱几分钟就好。我队友不爱吃甜食的都能炫一盒,有榛子巧克力和草莓两种口味,我个人比较喜欢巧克力的...
Little Moons Mochi Ice Cream Balls have been around for a while, but some people were only introduced to them recently through popular social media site, TikTok. So, we’re not surprised that Aldi has jumped on the bandwagon and launched its own mochi ice cream balls. In case you’re ...
These freeze-dried fruit snacks are highly addictive. It’s like a flavor explosion. Strawberries are crowd pleasers, durian for gung-ho fans. Snacks: Fruit Sorbet (Peach/Pineapple/Lemon) and Coconut Ice Cream, Shanghai, China Flavored sorbets that comes served in the fruit it’s made from....