🐷红酒🍷、Peanut Butter、有机黑巧、有机棕糖(现在没有了)、牛油果(一袋装的)、TURKEY HAM(不咸的,我娃喜欢)、有机黎麦、新鲜三文鱼、冷冻盲曹鱼片、lactose free牛奶、猪腿肉、法国奶酪、最便宜的葡萄酒做料酒……这些都可以在ALDI找到。它家的白葡萄酒也挺好喝的,不过经常换品种,喜欢的没多久就不卖...
Either type of milk is healthy and safe to drink, so the main message is to drink either regular milk (containing A1 and A2) or milk containing only A2 protein. Both are nutritious, so it comes down to personal choice. Lactose Free Milk: Lactose-free milk is designed for people with l...