Hot Cross Bun Flavoured Gin Liqueur仅售19.99澳元,将于2月24日周三上架。 澳洲Aldi的购物专家Nicole Higgins表示:“我们为能给顾客带来物美价廉的产品而感到自豪,同时也为能向澳人提供独特的产品而感到骄傲,Hot Cross Bun Gin Liqueur当然也不例外。” (图片来源:7News) Aldi还公布了两款复活节热十字面包,Special...
综合评分 0 暂无评分 创意 0 文案 0 视觉 0 创作者 广告公司:McCann Manchester 案例详情 Aldi's Easter effort stars eight-year-old Josie Cooper in the fantastical piece which depicts a surreal environment populated by edible Easter treats such as hot cross bun mountains, coiled butter fields and ...
In a gorgeous pastel green shade, fill this porcelain serving bowl with chocolate eggs for guests to enjoy. Twig Tree, H60cm, White £22 at John Lewis Credit: Easter trees have surged in popularity over the last few years. A popularGerman Easter tradition, this twig tree is...