I have updated my HP gaming PC 15cx0000 to windows 11. I need also a driver for the alcor micro card reader driver on windows 11. On the HP support website, this is not available (win 10 only). Where can I find this ? Who can help me here ? I r...
本驱动支持以下系统: Microsoft Windows 11 21H2及之后版本 Microsoft Windows 10 64-bit 1809及之后版本 本驱动支持以下机型: 联想ThinkPad T14 Gen2 本驱动支持以下部件: Alcor Micro USB Smart Card Reader Driver 更新说明: 更新Win10/Win11 WHQL驱动程序,用于21H1操作系统刷新签名。 纠错 驱动...
Alcor Micro USB Card Reader Driver是什么软件可以卸载吗 展开全部 是Nvdia系列显卡驱动程序的统称。有了他你的Nvdia系列显卡才能正常工作。可以卸载,但是为了你的机器正常工作,建议你不要删除。除非你决定更换其它型号的显卡,或者是系统崩溃,需要重新安装的时候。
Windows 10 32-bit Release note: Alcor Micro PCIE Card Reader Driver for Windows 10 The driver package provides the installation files for Alcor Micro PCIE Card Reader Driver for Windows 10 system. If you consider updating this driver package by Driver Genius, all you ...
Alcor Micro USB Card Reader Driver 的主要用途是: 1. 读取存储卡中的数据:用户可以使用 Alcor Micro USB Card Reader Driver 将存储卡中的数据读取到计算机中,以便进行查看、编辑和备份。 2. 传输数据:用户可以使用 Alcor Micro USB Card Reader Driver 将存储卡中的数据传输到其他设备中,例如手机、平板电脑等...
(Machine types: 20HK, 20HL) 支持部件: Alcor Micro USB Smart Card Reader 更新说明: <> (N1UV104W) - [重要] 维护发布. <>(N1UV103W) - (修正) Device Guard日志中显示"Incompatible HVCI Kernel Driver Modules(alcgener.sys) found" . <> (N1UV102W) - (新增) ...
Alcor Card Reader Driver Date: 06/03/2015 Version: WHQL Driver: Yes Provider: AlcorMicro Operating Systems: Windows 7Windows 7 x64Windows 8Windows 8 x64Windows 8.1Windows 8.1 x64 Detailed Description: Alcor Card Reader Driver Rev.AThe driver package provides the installation...
Alcor USB Smart Card Reader Drivers Version Download Thumbnails: Submitted On: 10 Jul 2015 Description: Sous: Windows Xp/Vista/7/8/8.1/10 (32/64) DriverVer=06/03/2015, Pour: 'Alcor Micro USB Smart Card Reader'=DriverInstall, USB\VID_058F&PID_9520'Alcor Micro USB ...
✅ I am trying to uninstall Alcor Micro USB card reader driver, but each time, the item is...:I have tried, several times, to uninstall the App 'Alcor Micro USB Card Reader Driver', but each time, after going through the process for...