Supervised Detox & Rehabilitation Services Undertaking a controlled detox from alcohol in supervised health services can assist with the most dangerous elements of withdrawing from alcohol, as a springboard to move forward into the therapy work, and aftercare support, needed for full recovery. ...
Roop Sidana Prerna Deaddiction and Rehabilitation Centre India Sandi James University Malaysia Sabah Malaysia View More Recommended Global Neuroscience Webinars & Conferences Europe & UK Asia Pacific & Middle East Canada Addiction Summit 2023 About Conference Benefits of Attending Track & Session ...
全部来源 求助全文 Semantic Scholar 万方医学 NCBI NCBI Europe PMC 查看更多 相似文献 引证文献Coexisting obsessive compulsive disorder and alcoholism Fifty patients with the diagnosis of alcohol dependence or abuse who were admitted to a university-based alcohol rehabilitation program were screened for o....
Evidence-based treatments in the inpatient rehabilitation of alcoholics - Results of a representative survey in German clinics for drug addiction AlcoholismRecurrenceNutrition TherapySmoking CessationMotivationEvidence-Based MedicineCognitive TherapyPsychoanalytic TherapySubstance Abuse Treatment Centers... P Schmidt...
this was nothing to sniff at. He was not a Pro Bowl-caliber player, and he'd never end up with more than 5½ sacks in a season. But he did ads for Kraft Macaroni and Cheese, Mr. Big Paper Towels, bacon products and a supermarket chain in Europe. There was even a G.I. Joe ...
VARIABLES AFFECTING LONELINESS AMONG INDIVIDUALS UNDERGOING TREATMENT IN ALCOHOL REHABILITATION CENTERS Individuals who indicated a history of alcoholism in their families had significantly higher loneliness scores and subjects who stated that they had been happy during the past year were found to be less...