Alcoholics Anonymous meetings take their name from the desire to stay anonymous. If you have joined one of these meetings, this is likely your desire too. Anyone already in your meeting will also be hoping to stay anonymous. If you know someone in the meeting, you should still respect the ...
Alcoholics Anonymous Careers: Patterns of AA Involvement Five Years after Treatment Entry. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. 2005; 2911 :1983–1990. [ PubMed ]Kaskutas, L.A.; Ammon, L.; Delucchi, K.; Room, R.; Bond, J.; Weisner, C. Alcoholics Anonymous ...
Some individuals seeking recovery from alcohol use disorder (AUD) attend Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) while others choose newer alternatives such as Self-Management and Recovery Training (“SMART” Recovery). Some even attend both, while some choose not to attend either. Little is known about why peo...
Alcoholics Anonymous InvolvementAlcohol UseCooccurring PatientsBackground Patients with cooccurring mental health and substance use disorders often find it difficult to sustain long‐term recovery. One predictor of recovery may be how depression symptoms and Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) involvement influence ...
Does sponsorship improve out- comes above Alcoholics Anonymous attendance? A latent class growth curve analyses. Addiction 2012;107:301-311.Witbrodt J, Kaskutas L, Bond J, et al. (2012) Does sponsorship improve out- comes above Alcoholics Anonymous attendance? A latent class growth curve ...
One-hundred and fifty-one students enrolled in substance abuse counselor training classes were surveyed on their attitudes about spirituality in substance abuse treatment and their beliefs about the principles of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). Significant correlations were found between the subjects' ...
Does sponsorship improve out- comes above Alcoholics Anonymous attendance? A latent class growth curve analyses. Addiction 2012;107:301-311.Witbrodt J, Kaskutas L, Bond J, et al. (2012) Does sponsorship improve out- comes above Alcoholics Anonymous attendance? A latent class growth curve ...