The last meeting type will follow a programme. The 12-step programme is the most common, but there are two other programmes that your group may follow. These are the Big Books and Tradition. The Big Book is a self-help guide for people who need detailed guidance through literature. In th...
12 Step Drug Addiction Essay The Twelve Step programme, first formulated by Alcoholics Anonymous but now widely applied to other addictions, is the essential long-term treatment. It helps to maintain abstinence and peace of mind in spite of unsolved problems. It leads towards happy and mutually ...
I liked how they read out the solution, the 12 programme of recovery. It was reassuring this programme had helped all these guys and might me as well. Although it was difficult to see how it would. It did mention being restored to sanity which gave me some hope. Although it said we...
Counsellors usually had some knowledge of AA but had little understanding of the 12-step programme that forms the basis of recovery for alcoholics as described by AA. They were, however, in favour of clients attending AA as an adjunct to individual counsellingdoi:10.1080/03069889708253811...
Part I. The philosophy and the programme. British Journal of Addiction, 83(6), 625–634. (Open in a new window)PubMed(Open in a new window)Google Scholar Corrigan, P., Schomerus, G., & Smelson, D. (2017). Are some of the...
step of the study without giving any reason. Of 209 patients, 33 did not undergo further analysis because of incomplete data (giving the questionnaire back without all the answers completed) or consent’s withdrawal during the study (mainly, when finding the questions too personal/intimate or ...
The 12-step programme was created by alcoholics anonymous (AA), and is specifically designed to aid addicts in achieving and maintaining abstinence. The central ethos behind the programme is that participants must admit and surrender to a divine power to live happy lives. Ideas and experiences are...
Al-Anon is a 12 step programme with the community of relatives and friends of alcoholics who share their experience, strength, and hope to resolve their shared problems. Al-Anon is a non-profit national charity organisation that offers support to the families affected and friends of alcoholics ...
In some cases, disulfiram may be an effective and well-tolerated pharmacological treatment, within the framework of a well-integrated pharmacological, psychosocial and behavioural treatment programme [31]. Recently it has won attention as an agent adjunctive to other pharmacological medications, that ...