Byline: By PAUL MARTINThe Mirror (London, England)
These data indicate that RES protects against NAFLD, initially, by inhibiting the early development of hepatic IR.doi:10.1111/1440-1681.13074Badi, Rehab M.Mostafa, Dalia G.Khaleel, Eman F.Satti, Huda H.John Wiley and SonsClinical & Experimental Pharmacology & Physiology...
CGA is a strong antioxidant that was previously reported to inhibit angiotensin converting enzyme. Male Wistar rats were treated with either high-fructose, with or without telmisartan, CGA, telmisartan+CGA for 8weeks. Untreated NAFL rats showed characteristics of NAFLD, as evidenced by significant ...