In this case, the husband, in my opinion, cannot break his addiction on his own (like almost all alcoholics). He needs to go to a professional alcoholic rehab center and let doctors and therapists help him. It works in so many cases. I have seen it work. But he has to want it. H...
My doctors tell me that if I have even one more drink, I will die. However, I just don't want to stay away from the stuff. I have the means to go into a long-term rehab facility, but just don't want to that at what I think is my advanced age. I have two incredibly ...
Rehab F. Taher 1, Abd El-Nasser G. EI Gendy 5, Tarik A. Mohamed 6, Salim S. Al-Rejaie 7, Yasser A. EI-Amier 8, Ahmed M. Abd-EIGawad 8,9,* and Mohamed A. Farag 10,111 Department of Natural Compounds Chemistry, National Research Center, 33 El Bohouth St., Dokki...