This therapist guide outlines a treatment program for couples wherein one partner has an alcohol use disorder. Based on the principles of CBT, this 12-session couples-focused program is designed not only to help the drinking partner stop drinking, but also to help his or her partner change ...
The World Health Organization’s (WHO) Mental Health Gap Action Programme (mhGAP) is a validated intervention that can be provided by non-specialised healthcare workers to individuals with unhealthy alcohol use. However, it typically requires several in-
Participants are eligible for the study if they meet the following criteria at screening: (1) are adults (≥ 18 years old); (2) consume alcohol at a level consistent with “hazardous drinking” according to the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) (total score of ≥ 6 f...
Supporting Looked After Children and Care Leavers In Decreasing Drugs, and alcohol (SOLID): protocol for a pilot feasibility randomised controlled trial of interventions to decrease risky substance use (drugs and alcohol) and improve mental health of looked after children and care leavers aged 12–...
Problems with alcohol use are common and often occur with other psychological and social problems as well. Left untreated, alcohol use disorder can have significant impact on a person's functioning, health, and relationships. This cognitive-behavioral treatment has been scientifically proven to help ...
Social anxiety disorder (SAD) and alcohol use disorder (AUD) are prevalent disorders that often co-occur. SAD onset typically precedes that of AUD, and co-occurrence of the two disorders is associated with greater symptom severity than either condition alone. This chapter reviews current evidence ...