Therefore, primary care physicians often make a point of use time during a visit to provide education about drinking and its dangers.As a screening test, the single question about drinking patterns is as good as slightly more detailed ones, such as the CAGE questions. But these may be easier...
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. “Alcohol Treatment in the United States: […]aracteristics.” 2023. Accessed August 23, 2023. Medical Disclaimer The Recovery Village aims to improve the quality of life for people struggling with substance use or mental health disorder with ...
It is a depressant that slows down the function of the central nervous system. Despite not being a drug, it is often referred to as just as dangerous as drugs because it is so commonly abused, and its dangers are often overlooked.
Mbona NT & Kasirye R (2005) Alcohol and its association with sexual abstinence, condom use and risky behaviour among unmarried young people aged 18-24 years in uganda. African Journal of Drug and Alcohol Studies 4, 17-31.T. M. Nazarius,. K. Rogers, "Alcohol and i...
Despite low alcohol consumption in Iran, its adverse consequences such as substance use disorders, aggression, and relatively common harms raise serious concerns for public health [34]. The main concern about alcohol consumption in Iran is that most available alcoholic beverages are counterfeit and of...
My own view is that medicinal use of cannabis or its derivatives is entirely consistent with the Christian position. The best way forward would seem to me to approve cannabis on prescription, but under strict limits, for example in helping relieve symptoms in the dying....
Other theories about why young adults are drinking less include an awareness of mental health and its connection with alcohol use and abuse. “There’s now more data and more awareness about the harms of alcohol on health, and the Gen Z population seems to be more focused on health, which...
National Institute of Health.“Understanding Drug Use and Addiction.”2018. Accessed June 24, Medical Disclaimer The Recovery Village aims to improve the quality of life for people struggling with substance use or mental health disorder with fact-based content about the nature of behavioral health co...
These include the increase risk in developing cancers following light, moderate, and high alcohol intake, the direct carcinogenic effect of alcohol in gastrointestinal cancers, and reduction of blood levels of zinc, iron, and vitamins A and E. The absence of consensus on a safe level of alcohol...
Combine a lack of consequences with the thrill of breaking the law, and MLDA 21 actually encourages underage drinking and potentially other illegal activities, such as driving while intoxicated and illicit drug use. Lowering the MLDA would make 18–20-year-olds subject to the same laws enforced...