Bradford Health Services provides best-in-class addiction treatment at drug and alcohol rehab facilities across the South.
When you trust us with your DWI, DUI, SAP, or Alcohol Assessment, you can rest assured that we won't recommend excessive hours or treatment, ensuring a fair and accurate assessment so you can get the process complete cheaper and faster. ...
Shelby,NC28150 Addiction is heart breaking for the patient and their loved ones. We can decide on an avenue for treatment which may be a referral to medical detoxification or inpatient substance abuse centers. If we work together on an outpatient bases, while you stay at home, my clients ar...
Crest View Recovery Center in Asheville, North Carolina provides holistic, reality-based drug & alcohol addiction treatment. Addiction help available 24/7.
Carolina recorded a 22% increase in overdose deaths in 2021. The rise has been driven by synthetic opioids, mainly fentanyl, with more than three-quarters of all overdose deaths involving the drug. And yet, according to the CDC, 75% of North Carolina counties do not have opioid treatment ...
H. (1985). Alcoholism treatment impact on total healthcare utilization and costs: A four-yem- longitudinal analysis of the federal employees health benefit program with AETNA Life Insurance Program. Chapel Hill, NC: H-2.HOLDER, H.D., BLOSE, J.O. AND GASIOROWSKI, M.J. Alcoholism ...
Insight Recovery offers addiction treatment in Asheville, North Carolina. Call 828.800.0974 to learn more about treatment programs we offer today.
treatment provider. Rehab Spot is not a medical provider or treatment facility and does not provide medical advice. Rehab Spot does not endorse any treatment facility or guarantee the quality of care provided, or the results to be achieved, by any treatment facility. The information provided by ...
Exclusive Facility Our Charlotte, North Carolina detox center offers a safe and private detox experience. Medically-Assisted Detox Services Medically-Assisted Detox Services We prioritize your safety and comfort by providing medically assisted detox services. Personalized Treatment Personalized Treatment We...
View LargeDownload Twelve-Month Prevalence of DSM-IV IndependentMood and Anxiety Disorders Among Respondents With DSM-IV Substance Use Disorders Who Sought Treatment in the Past 12 Months 1. Grant BF Comorbidity between DSM-IV drug use disordersand major depression: results of a national survey of...