Using a sample of 1395 male and female adult residents of Ontario, the authors present self-report survey data concerning frequency of serving alcohol to guests, methods of handling guests who have too much to drink, prevention of drunk driving, service of alcohol to underage persons, and ...
with OB-GYN clinics serving low income women in Texas (in a state where reproductive health outcomes are less than optimal) to determine its contribution to reducing alcohol use in pregnancy. The intervention includes a self paced computer-delivered alcohol reduction...
On the one hand, anyone with a functioning cerebral cortex can see that Doug Ford’s frothy, folksy enthusiasm for bringing beer to the people is a self-serving, ham-fisted populism aimed at currying favour from the profoundly stupid and ignorant. On the other hand, the world has given us...
(Giovannucci et al, 1991; Munger et al, 1992; Goldbohm et al, 1994; Flagg et al, 2000; Wolk et al, personal communication), the pooled age and energy-adjusted relative risk for an increment of 15 g day−1 of alcohol (equivalent to approximately one serving of alcohol) changed...
Daily alcohol intake for all studies was calculated by summing the product of the frequency of consumption of a specified serving of alcoholic beverage (beer, wine and liquor) by the alcohol content of that beverage using national estimates of alcohol content for that country. Total alcohol was ...
Demographics were collected from all subjects at baseline, including: contact information, concomitant medication, Time Line Follow Back (TLFB)58 for the past 2 weeks regarding the use of nicotine, alcohol drinks/day, caffeine, cannabis and other substances. A single alcohol drink serving contains ...
Each participant was asked how often, on average, she consumed each type of alcoholic beverage over the previous year, using standardised portion of each beverage (a 12-oz bottle or a can of beer, a 4-oz glass of wine, or a 1.5-oz serving of liquor). Alcohol intake (in g per day...
thus also serving as the mediator of popular recreation. By helping to reduce tension and fears and preoccupation with safety, alcohol can reduce as well as stimulate the impulse to engage in aggressive or dangerous activities. Just as drinkingfacilitatesdangerous and uninhibited sex and driving by ...
They enabled periodic social festivity and the personal jollification of the participants, thus also serving as the mediator of popular recreation. By helping to reduce tension and fears and preoccupation with safety, alcohol can reduce as well as stimulate the impulse to engage in aggressive or ...
(3) is participating in a culinary arts, fermentation science, food service, or restaurant management degree program of which a portion of the program includes instruction on responsible alcoholic beverage serving methods modeled after the Beverage Alcohol Sellers and Server Education and Training (...