We will provide you with everything you need to know about drinking and alcohol rules in Dubai. We cover the legal drinking age, where you can drink, obtaining an alcohol licence, where to buy alcohol for home consumption, alcohol prices, and guidelines for responsible drinking. Additionally, ...
DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) — Dubai has loosened its liquor laws to allow tourists to purchase alcohol in state-controlled stores, previously only accessible to license-holding residents, as the United Arab Emirates saw the first drop in alcohol sa
Wait for your renewed alcohol license to be issued. ALSO READ:The Irish Village in Al Garhoud: Relaxing Ambiance, Live Entertainment Please take note that even if you have an alcohol license in the UAE, you should still abide by certain rules and guidelines. Getting drunk in public, for ex...
new surveyVon der Leyen’s COP29 Absence Sends the Wrong Message onA cardboard pavilion for Dubai Design WeekAncient Jews in Syria and their Lady Gaga shoesHow rainwater
BREAKING THE RULES In dry countries, some have gone to great lengths to obtain alcohol, at times risking arrest, or worse. In Saudi Arabia, home to Islam’s holiest sites, there have been reports of efforts to skirt the ban, including liquor runs by some to neighboring Bahrain. Attempts ...
Without a licence, drinking alcohol is illegal in the conservative Islamic state and a person can be charged if traces are found in their blood, even if it was consumed on a flight or in a different country. Booze warning for Brits in Dubai after mum who drank wine on flight from London...