Looking for online definition of alcohol in the Medical Dictionary? alcohol explanation free. What is alcohol? Meaning of alcohol medical term. What does alcohol mean?
The meaning of ALCOHOL is ethanol especially when considered as the intoxicating agent in fermented and distilled liquors. How to use alcohol in a sentence.
Sharaab meaning in Urdu to English Alcohol شراب. Sharaab has different meanings with examples and definitions. The exact translation of the word Sharaab is Alcohol with sentences, similar words, Synonyms, Antonyms, and more.
The meaning of PENTYL ALCOHOL is any of eight isomeric liquid alcohols C5H11OH used chiefly as solvents and in making esters.
tolerance, meaning that a person becomes accustomed to consuming alcohol and must increase the amount in order to obtain the desired effect withdrawal, meaning that a person experiences unpleasant physical and psychological symptoms when he or she does not drink alcohol the tendency to drink more alc...
alcoholism meaning, definition, what is alcoholism: the medical condition of being an alcoho...: Learn more.
The term alcoholism was first used in 1849 by the Swedish physician and public figure M. Huss to designate an aggregate of changes arising in an organism affected by the use of alcoholic beverages. As it is now understood, the biological and medical meaning of the term alcoholism is ...
The meaning "caused by drunkenness" is attested by 1872; the meaning "habitually drunk" by 1910. The noun sense of "one who is addicted to drinking in excess, chronic drunkard, old rounder" is recorded from 1891; an earlier term for one was alcoholist (1877 in clinical writing, earlier ...
tie one onTo go on a drunken tear; to get drunk. This very common American slang expression is probably an elliptical variation ofto tie a bag on, which in turn could have spawned the phrasein the bag, all of which have the same meaning. It is uncertain whether they are related to th...
Looking for online definition of dilute alcohol in the Medical Dictionary? dilute alcohol explanation free. What is dilute alcohol? Meaning of dilute alcohol medical term. What does dilute alcohol mean?