alcohol limitn(amount allowed before driving)(驾驶)SCSimplified Chinese酒精限制 SCSimplified Chinese饮酒限量 alcohol poisoningn(intoxication)SCSimplified Chinese酒精中毒 SCSimplified Chinese醇类中毒 alcohol use disordern(alcoholism)SCSimplified Chinese酒精使用障碍 ...
These law changes serve as a general deterrent to drinking and driving and ultimately save lives. This critical review supports the adoption of lower illegal BAC limits for driving in countries around the world. 展开 关键词: Blood alcohol levels Crash injuries Drunk driving Fatalities Traffic ...
Drugs, Driving and Traffic Safety. Basel, Switzerland: Birkhäuser Verlag AG; 2009. pp. 415–437.Fell J. C., Voas R. B. Reducing illegal blood alcohol limits for driving: effects on traffic safety. In: Verster J. C., Pandi-Perumal S. R., Ramaekers J. G., De Geir J. J., ...
International policies on alcohol impaired driving: are legal blood alcohol concentration (BAC) limits in motorized countries compatible with the scientifi... (2003). International policies on alcohol impaired driving: are legal blood alcohol concentration (BAC) limits in motorized countries compatible ...
Health and safety will be the driving force at first in the UK. Take doctors: a recent report in the Lancet revealed that 37% of male junior doctors were using cannabis and 14% cocaine, amphetamines, barbiturates, LSD, ecstasy, magic mushrooms or other substances. The figure for women was...
UK DrinkLine Youth 0345 32 02 02 Reports: Teenage binge drinking Health:. Alcohol & Health (Dept of Health) Men's alcohol safe limits Alcohol: calorie guide Liver deaths rise 'linked to alcohol Archived urban75 discussion: >Giving up the booze...
Statutory Limits of Breath-Alcohol Concentration In most countries punishable BAC limits for driving existed long before the use of evidential breath-alcohol instruments was considered feasible. An exception was the USA because of constitutional issues about unreasonable search and seizure and self-incrimin...
Alcohol industry fights off tougher drunk-driving limits.Discloses that alcohol industry lobbyists in Washington, D.C. are fiercely opposing a measure that would toughen drunk-driving laws in the United States. House Rules Committee's decision not to take the proposal to the House floor; ...
DUI leads to huge expenses and may even cause harm to you and other people. Find out what to expect, how much it really costs and how you can prevent it.
Once alcolocks are fitted to a vehicle ignition, they enforce the strict limits decreed by legislators, stopping the ignition from working of the driver exceeds that limit. They are successful in helping the offender to separate driving from drinking alcohol. With most US States now allowing ...