levels of alcohol in the blood 血液中酒精含量 来自牛津词典 5. He pleaded guilty to driving with excess alcohol. 他对过量饮酒后驾车一事表示服罪。 来自牛津词典 6. low-alcohol beer 酒精度低的啤酒 来自牛津词典 7. alcohol-free beer 不含酒精的啤酒 来自牛津词典 8. Products for dry skin have ...
While the rats on alcohol and energy drinks initially showed a boost in certain brain metrics and functions – including a rise in a protein that drives neuron growth – these benefits didn't last, and over time and into adulthood there was actually a decline in brain capability.尽管饮用...
While the rats on alcohol and energy drinks initially showed a boost in certain brain metrics and functions – including a rise in a protein that drives neuron growth – these benefits didn't last, and over time and into adulthood there was actually a decline in brain capability.尽管饮用...
16. A. treat B. prevent C. protect17. A. true B. right C. good18. A. Usually B. Seldom C. Sometimes19. A. come B. develop C. increase20. A. Because of B. In case of C. Instead of21. A. reasons B. answers C. punishments22. A. must B. may C.can23. A. from B. o...
We all have that friend or family member, you know exactly who I'm talking about. Bro, I can drink a whole 24-pack in a night, Bro. Bro.我们都有那种朋友或者家庭成员,你懂我在说什么。兄弟,我一晚上二十四瓶没问题,兄弟,兄弟。Yes, that friend or family member who said that they have...
- **A. After 16**:16岁不符合美国的饮酒年龄规定,这一年龄通常与部分国家的驾驶许可年龄相关,但与饮酒无关。 - **B. After 18**:18岁是许多国家的法定饮酒年龄(如德国、中国),但在美国仅适用于极少数特定情况(如军事基地内可能有例外),并非普遍合法标准。 - **C. After 21**:符合联邦及各州法律...
a quarter-life of about 10 to 12 hours. In other words, let's say that you have a cup of coffee at 2pm in the evening. It could be that almost a quarter of that caffeine is still swilling around in your brain at midnight. And as a result...
例如,在一个大学派对上,有人问 “Where can we get some hooch?” 就是在问哪里能弄到酒。这个词可能是从以前某些地方对私酿酒的称呼演变而来,带有一种神秘又略带调侃的意味。 ④ hard stuff:这个表达比较形象,它强调了酒的“烈性”。当人们说 “I don't usually drink the hard stuff.” 意思就是不常...
In the same way, they can help people who feel that they have problems with money.Which of the following is TRUE A.All people spend money for exactly the same reason that they need to buy things.B.Business people and advertisers use the psychology of spending habits to increase sales....
Thorn said that the popularity of online alcohol vendors who can make deliveries within 30 minutes had exacerbated the problem. According to a survey of Australian drinkers by FARE in 2018, 30 percent had used alcohol delivery services, with one in four doing so weekly or more often. ...