Drinking and driving results in numerous car accidents, injuries, and deaths each year. In 2009, there were over 10,800 crash fatalities with a driver BAC of 0.08 or higher, roughly 32 percent of total traffic fatalities for the year. Of these drivers, fifty-six percent had had a BAC of...
Despite recent declines in rates for alcohol-related traffic deaths, U.S. drivers continue to drink and drive at a high rate. During 1993, approximately 123 million episodes of self-reported alcohol-impaired driving occurred in the United States.7Further reduction in alcohol-involved motor-vehicle-...
A study by researchers at Maastricht University in the Netherlands found that both low doses of alcohol and low doses of THC (the active ingredient in marijuana) moderately impaired driving performance when administered alone. When the same low doses of alcohol and THC were combined, the effect...
census of motor vehicle fatalities by driver blood alcohol level.MethodsRegressions estimated associations of monopolies with under-21 drinking, binge drinking, alcohol-impaired driving deaths, and odds a driver under 21 who died was alcohol-positive.ResultsAbout 93.8% of those ages 12–20 who consum...
Alcohol-impaired driving is a major public health problem associated with alcohol misuse. After substantial decreases in alcohol-related crashes between 1990 and 2010 (NHTSA, 2002, 2012), progress in further reducing fatalities has been stalled at more than ten thousand deaths per year (NHTSA, 2017...
Worldwide, alcohol is thought to contribute to more than 200 illnesses and injuries, likeliver disease,heart disease, and neurological problems. Alcohol-related deaths number more than 3 million per year globally, around 5% of all deaths worldwide. Among those aged 20–39 years, around 13.5% ...
On a personal level, alcoholism, in many cases, leads to difficulties in marital and other relationships, domestic violence, child abuse or neglect, difficulty finding or keeping a job, impaired school or work performance, homelessness, and legal problems such as driving while intoxicated (DUI)....
Server intervention is a community-based approach to preventing alcohol-impaired driving. It refers to a set of strategies designed to alter the drinking environment so as to reduce the likelihood of a drinker becoming intoxicated or, failing that, to prevent him or her from driving while intoxica...
Western Mail (Cardiff, Wales)
Start with knowing your child and who is driving your child. It has long been known that youth who drink or drive under the influence of alcohol put themselves and others at risk. Further, these adolescent drinkers are also more likely to ride as passengers of impaired drivers. This new ...