Drink safely on New Year’s Eve Tools and calculators Convert your Drinks into Standard Serving Sizes For an amount of alcohol, find out how many standard drinks it represents. Size (ml):Strength (% alcohol): Country:Aus/NZUKUSACanadaJapan ...
BAC Calculator. Had a few drinks? Not sure if you should drive and risk a drink driving DUI or DWI charge? Try the RU Pissed blood alcohol calculator (BAC calculator). Also features hangover cures and remedies, and drinking jokes.
Was this Helpful? Thanks! Is there anything we can do to improve the site? Help others find out how much alcohol to buy for a wedding or party, share it! Tweet Share Wedding Alcohol Calculator| Blood Alcohol Content Calculator| Drink Mix Guide...
Time Since First Drink: Beverages: Beverage: Quantity: Strength: % ABV Size: ADD BEVERAGE Your Blood Alcohol Content (BAC): Time to Reach 0% BAC: BAC calculated using the Widmark formula.[1] Learn how we calculated this below scroll down Add this calculator to your site ...
The variables used in the formula can be expressed as; A = liquid ounces of alcohol consumed, W = your weight in pounds, r = a sex constant (.73 for men and .66 for women) and H = hours since your first drink. Widmark Formula %BAC = (A x 5.14 / (W x r)) - .015 x H...
1. How much alcohol to drink? Calculate your individual dose of alcohol before a visit or a party. Give answers to all questions and you will get a dose which is calculated specially for you! Enjoy a party without a headache. 2. Calculator of alcohol withdrawal time ...
a basic version of the Widmark Formula, which can be found below. The variables used in the formula can be expressed as; A = liquid ounces of alcohol consumed, W = your weight in pounds, r = a sex constant (.73 for men and .66 for women) and H = hours since your first drink....
Drink Driving Limits: A 3.6% abv pint of beer has 2 units in it. In the UK to remain within the drink drive limit you can have no more than 1 pint of weak (3.6%) beer - any more and you risk being over the drink drive limit. Note, that the last sentence used the word 'weak...
CheckUp & Choiceswe’ve put together a calculator, and an A-Z list of common beer and drink brands with their corresponding alcohol %, so you can be able to compare apples (wine) to oranges (liquor). However, to start, it’s important to understand the definition of a standard drink....
Serious Eats Booze-o-matic Party Time Drink Calculator Party Duration (hours): Number of Guests: Say your party is three hours, and you're having 20 guests. Then you'll need 80 drinks. Some of your friends will likely drink beer, some might choose wine, and some will have cocktails. ...