The article focuses on the controversy surrounding the claims of health benefits of drinking alcoholic beverages. It states that some studies have suggested that the likelihoood of dementia, diabetes and heart diseases can be lessened by alcohol, but other studies have found out that alcohol ...
While some medical studies — and a great deal of media attention — have focused on possible health benefits ofdrinking alcoholin moderation, a large new report warns that the harms ofalcoholgreatly outweigh any potential beneficial effects. The authors of the study, which looks at data on ...
Find out what you need to know about alcohol dependence, and discover the pros, cons, risks, and benefits, and how it may affect mental health.
Industry lobbying and promotion are rife and unchecked by governments Given the harms attributed to alcohol use, it is not surprising that reports1 2 showing possible mortality benefits for low level users attracted enthusiasm among consumers, the media, and the alcohol industry, along with those ...
Dozens of studies have purportedly shown that a daily glass of wine or mug of beer could reduce your risk of heart disease and death.
For years now we've been hearing about the health benefits of red wine. Even beer and hard liquor have been something to raise a glass to in certain medical circles. But how healthy are they really? Michael Smith, MD A chemical called resveratrol is found in high doses in red wine. Th...
The health benefits of drinking alcohol are real, though small enough to be unlikely to noticeably improve your health. The proven detrimental effects of drinking, on the other hand, are definitely noticeable and far outweigh any benefits. So do your own math (if you don't trust the the ...
Health statusModerate drinkingYoung adultsAlthough excessive alcohol use and alcohol misuse contribute to a broad range of health problems, recent research indicates that moderate alcohol consumption may in fact be beneficial. The present study builds on previous research to investigate the associations ...
"If you don't already drink, don't start drinking for its health benefits," Steinbaum said. "You can eat a heart-healthy diet, such as the Mediterranean diet with lots of fruits and vegetables, and get a benefit, too. You don't have to have alcohol to protect your heart." ...
These days, it's hard to pour a glass of wine without also uncorking questions about your health. Here, the sober truth about alcohol.