alcoholdrug毒品酒精policyindiana Indiana University Alcohol and Drug‐Free Campus Policy IncompliancewiththeDrug-FreeWorkplaceActof1988(41U.S.C.§701etseq.)andtheDrug-FreeSchoolsandCommunitiesActAmendmentsof1989(20U.S.C.§1011i),thefollowingpolicyshallgoverntheconductofallUniversitystudentsandemployees(inc...
public policyHistorically, doctors have had a profound influence on public policy, both for alcohol and drug misuse. However, many powerful voices from a wide variety of stakeholders can be identified around the table of policy debate, including the alcoholic beverage and pharmaceutical industries, ...
drugalcohol酒精policy药物ach - 1 - Drug & Alcohol Policy Effective January 31, 2006 Revised June 9, 2010 Use of Drugs: ACH Child and Family Services’ (ACH) policy for employees regarding the use of drugs is: *The use, possession, sale, transfer, purchase or being under the influence of...
Who is responsible for making policy about alcohol and drug use in society? What difference does such public policy make to the extent of use, the extent of problems or the nature of the treatment response? 展开 关键词: alcohol and drug policy clinician public policy ...
Two medications that fit in this category are naltrexone and acamprosate. As an alternative, sometimes the drug disulfiram may be prescribed. Disulfiram does not reduce craving, but it creates an incentive not to drink, because drinking alcohol while taking it causes nausea and vomiting. An anti...
OBJECTIVE: This article provides a historical review of alcohol and other drug policy research and its impact on public health over the past 75 years. We begin our summary with the state of the field circa 1940 and trace the development across the subsequent decades. We summarize current thinkin...
Selection of articles for review of alcohol and policy interventions to reduce intimate partner violence. Full size image Forty studies (44 papers) met the initial selection criteria. Data for each study was extracted using an agreed standardised template recording details of the study. This included...
The Centre for Alcohol and Drug Research (CRF) has since its foundation in 1991 had a strong tradition for research in drug control. However, researchers at CRF have also started to study drug policy not only from a control perspective but also from a perspective of health and welfare issues...
Alcohol and other drug policy has two main goals: problem reduction and better management of problems.doi:10.1002/j.1839-4655.1991.tb00896.xDebraBlaze-TemplePeterHowatJudyBarneyBillSaundersStanSaxonWiley-BlackwellAustralian Journal of Social Issues...
alcoholabusedrugpolicy酒精滥用 AlcoholandDrugsMisusePolicy-Draft Introduction TheUniversityiscommittedtopromotingthewellbeingofallitsemployees, students,contractorsandvisitorswhilstensuringthataprofessional,effective levelofperformanceandqualityofserviceismaintained. TheUniversityrecognisesthattheabuseofalcoholandmisuseofdrugs...