Step 1 | Sign up online Take all 12 levels of the Florida Drug and Alcohol Course in just 4 hours. You’ll learn all of the Florida safety requirements that are needed to earn your learner’s permit. Once you finish, we will automatically let the Florida driver's license authority. St...
If you have any questions when enrolling or taking in our drug education course or alcohol awareness class, be assured that our expert customer support team is available to help you. They can professionally answer all your questions that you might have about our online drug andalcohol classes. ...
36 Week Drug & Alcohol Course Level 3($159.95) * 52 Week Drug & Alcohol Course Level 3($199.95) * 8 Hour Under-Age Drinking Course($49.95) 8 Hour Minor in Possession Course (Under 21)($49.95) 4 Hour Tobacco Awareness and Education($24.95) ...
All first time drivers in the State of Florida are required to take this Drug and Alcohol Test course before applying for their license.
Trusted online DUI Classes, Alcohol Awareness classes, MIP and Drug Education Courses. Ideal for court, probation and legal requirements. Certificate is Free.
People choose our program for these reasons: being able to study on your own time, world-class and U.S. based customer support, no hidden fees, and free processing and shipping of completion certificates. If you have been ordered by the court to attend and complete an alcohol or drug awar...
Is the TLSAE Course + Online Permit Test Combo right for me? Haven't enrolled in a TLSAE course yet? If you are a first-time driver who is between the ages of 15 & 17, and haven't signed up for the Florida Drug and Alcohol course (TLSAE) yet, this is the best value for you!
These free online alcohol courses will give you a better understanding of its important socio- cultural role and how it affects your body. Alcohol is a psychoactive drug that is the active ingredient in drinks such as beer, wine, and distilled spirits. These courses cover everything in relation...
Take your course today and get your certificate in hours! Get the Ultimate in Online Driver's Ed Preparation. Complete your Drug and Alcohol Test and your DMV Permit Test online and fulfill the state requirements to get your Learner's Permit! This all-in-one comprehensive package gives you ...
FL Drug & Alcohol Course ★★★ 63,218 Reviews List: $24.00 $7.79* Required to get your permit/license Start My Course Now! Lowest Price Guaranteed Course Details *Plus State of Florida Assessment Fee & Provider Processing Fee, Convenience Fee, and/or ADLTS Fee as applicable More info...