ALCOHOL FACTS Alcohol is a drug. The effects of alcohol vary from person to person. Everyone who uses alcohol is affected by it to some degree. Drivers cannot afford to increase the risks of driving by having their abilities diminished by alcohol. CONSIDER THIS: Young drinking drivers are invo...
The statutory limits for alcohol in blood and expired air are 0.5 mg/ml and 0.25 mg/l, respectively. In the years 1998-2002 driving under the influence of alcohol was one of three most common causes of fatal traffic accidents in the country (1). No limits have been set for the ...
State BAC Limits How does an alcohol breathalyzer works? DOT Listing Alcohol-Impaired Driving Fatalities Summary Top Questions Can my results be used in court? What methods of payment are accepted? Are breathalyzers accurate? How much is Shipping?
Alcohol, other drugs, and driving Chpt 6 facts on alcohol & driving Drivers aged 16-20 are more likely to be alcohol-impaired than any other age group Young drinking drivers are involved in fatal crashes twice as often as drivers 21 and older More than half of all fatalities during holidays...
to reduce tension and fears and preoccupation with safety, alcohol can reduce as well as stimulate the impulse to engage in aggressive or dangerous activities. Just as drinkingfacilitatesdangerous and uninhibited sex and driving by reducing stranger anxiety and fear of punishment, it also facilitates ...
Ask whether a person has alcohol-related problems at work, at home or with the law, such as getting into fights or driving while intoxicated. Ask about physical symptoms of alcoholism. Perform a physical examination that can reveal signs of poor nutrition and alcohol-related liver or nerve ...
(alsodrunk driving) driving under the influence of alcohol.conductor en estado de embriaguez ˈdrunkennessnoun embriaguez Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd. drunk·en·ness n.borrachera, embriaguez. English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 ...
(BAC)that exceeds legal limits. Thelegal limit is generally 0.08 percent in California, but commercial drivers and those driving passengers for hire have a lower legal limit of 0.04 percent. The BAC is determined by a chemical test, using either a breath test, a blood test or a urine ...
These law changes serve as a general deterrent to drinking and driving and ultimately save lives. This critical review supports the adoption of lower illegal BAC limits for driving in countries around the world. 展开 关键词: Blood alcohol levels Crash injuries Drunk driving Fatalities Traffic ...
12.A.细节理解题.根据"Drinking and driving is one of the top causes of death for teen boys.An alcohol-related motor vehicle crash kills one person every 33minutes and injures someone every two minutes.The rate of teenagers driving drunk is so high that the government is trying to pass new...