Journal Article Reviews: Adolescent Substance or Alcohol AbuseMacias, Michelle M
“Mental Illness and Substance Abuse”>&[…]t;[…]bstance Abuse.” January 2010. Accessed August 23, 2023. Rehm, Jürgen; Crépault, Jean-François; Hasan, Omer S.M.; et al. “Regulatory Policies for Alcohol, other P[…]ematic Review.” International Journal of Environmental Research ...
Alcoholis an international, peer-reviewed journal that is devoted to publishing multi-disciplinary biomedical research on all aspects of theactionsoreffectsofalcoholon thenervous systemor on otherorgan systems. Emphasis is given to studies into the causes and consequences ofalcohol abuse… ...
Alcohol abuse is common in eastern Nepal, rather reported remarkably high. Hence, various aspects of this problem have been the topic of search, study, survey and research in this part of the country, both in community and clinical settings. This article aims to review the journal articles ...
“Mental Illness and Substance Abuse”>&[…]t;[…]bstance Abuse.” January 2010. Accessed August 23, 2023. Rehm, Jürgen; Crépault, Jean-François; Hasan, Omer S.M.; et al. “Regulatory Policies for Alcohol, other P[…]ematic Review.” International Journal of Environmental Research ...
The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse Alcohol use and alcohol-related consequences: associations with emotion regulation difficulties Alcohol use and alcohol-related consequences: associations with emotion regulation difficultiesDvorak, Robert D...
Alcohol abuse and insomnia disorder: focus on a group of night and day workers. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021;18:13196. Huang YP, Chien WC, Chung CH, Huang YC, Kuo SC, Chen CY, et al. Increased incidence of alcohol use disorder and alcohol-related psychiatric disorders in ...
BIOSIS Previews 期刊简介: The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse (AJDAA) is an international journal published six times per year and provides an important and stimulating venue for the exchange of ideas between the researchers working in diverse areas, including public policy, epidemiology,...
Chronic alcohol abuse is associated with changes in stress and reward pathways that could alter vulnerability to emotional stress and alcohol craving. This study examines whether chronic alcohol abuse is associated with altered stress and alcohol craving responses. Treatment-engaged, 28-day abstinent al...
Journal of Substance Abuse & Alcoholism Determination of Genetic Polymorphism Taqia (Ankk1) Taqib (Drd2), -141c Ins/Del (Drd2) And 40 Bp Vntr (Slc6a3) in the Colombian Population and Evaluation of their Associations with Alcoholism