Moore, S., et al., Variations in alcohol-metabolizing enzymes in people of East India and African descent from Trinidad and Tobago. The Journal of the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism., 2007. 30(1): p. 28-30.Moore S, Montane-Jaime LK, Carr LG, Ehlers CL. Variations...
Suriname###Jamaica###Regional activities for tobacco control in Latin America and the Caribbean###Smoking control: third subregional workshop, Caribbean area, Bahamas, Barbados, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica, Saint Lucia, Trinidad and Tobago.###Position paper on drug use and abuse in the Caribbean...
GlobalStatusReportOnAlcohol WorldHealthOrganization Geneva 1999 ii Abstract Theglobalburdenofdiseasefromalcoholexceedsthatoftobaccoandisonaparwiththeburden attributabletounsafesexworldwide.Toprovideaglobalpictureofthestatusofalcoholasafactorin worldhealth,thereportbeginswithanoverviewdescribingthetypesofalcoholavailablear...
Keywords: energy drinks; alcohol; AmEDs; risky behaviours; health behaviours; Trinidad and Tobago; Caribbean 1. Introduction The use of energy drinks is prevalent among college students and young adults in many countries [1–7]. With their ongoing popularity and minimal regulatory policies, there ...