Girls more likely to rebel against parental advice on alcohol abuse Teenage girls now drink more than boysRachelle Money
Teenage alcohol abuse is common since teenagers are susceptible or exposed to this activity through their friends or certain affiliations. The fun they feel when consuming alcoholic beverages gives them a different feeling of enjoyment which they cannot experience when in their homes or when they are...
Teenagers seem to turn to alcohol to cope with pressure at home and school. Teenage anxiety and alcohol abuse is a concern of family members and counselors. Teenagers seem to turn to alcohol to cope with pressure at home and school. Teenage anxiety and alcohol abuse is a concern of family ...
Having a teen addicted to drugs or alcohol can a very trying time for parents, as well as for family and friends. With teen drug abuse rates rising every year due to peer pressure, depression, family problems, and an over glamorization of drugs and alcohol in today’s culture, many paren...
alcoHELP is a UK charity that seeks to prevent alcohol abuse through information & education woking in schools to inform young people about how harmful alcohol is as a drug and the dangers of alcohol abuse.
(HealthDay)—It's probably not a milestone that will do many feminists proud, but teenage girls in the United States now start to drink alcohol sooner than boys do, a new study shows.
Teenage girlsin the United States now start to drink alcohol sooner than boys do, a new study shows. "This is becoming a public health issue," said lead researcher Dr. Hui Cheng, an adjunct assistant professor at Michigan State University. ...
Effects of alcohol abuse When people drink too much, they may do or say things that they do not mean They might “hurt” themselves or others Drinking too much alcohol can lead to alcohol “poisoning” which can kill a person Over time, people who abuse alcohol can do serious “damage”...
If you are an alcoholic and one or both of your parents were alcoholic, does it mean that alcoholism runs in your genes? The truth is alcohol use disorder (AUD) can be inherited. This is according to the National Institute ofn Alcoholism and Alcohol Abuse. Alcoholism genes, as they call...
Today we want to explain why underage drinking increases risk for teenage alcoholism. Developing social connections is a basic human need.