Alcmene是希腊神话中的重要人物,她是Hercules(赫拉克勒斯)的母亲,因与Zeus(宙斯)的关系而闻名。她的故事在希腊神话中具有重要地位,涉及神与人的复杂互动以及Hercules的传奇出生。 Alcmene的身份与背景 Alcmene是希腊神话中的人物,她的丈夫是Amphitryon(安菲特律翁),一位底比斯的将军。然而,Alcmene最为人熟知的身份是H...
alcmene英语解释 Birth of [[Heracles by Jean Jacques Francois Le Barbier]] alcmene例句 In Greek mythology, Alcmene is known as the mother of Hercules, fathered by Zeus. 在希腊神话中,阿尔克墨涅被称为赫拉克勒斯的母亲,他的父亲是宙斯。 The story of Alcmene highlights the challenges faced by mortal...
Having exhausted all other options, she prays to the goddess Hera for help, and receives a surprising response: It seems that Hera's s.o., Zeus, has always coveted Alcmene from afar, and if Alcmene agrees to let him sire her child, that boy, Hercules, will lead his people to salvation...
The meaning of ALCMENE is the mother of Hercules by Zeus in the form of her husband Amphitryon.
senta big monster kill Hercules, but it was killed by Hercules. To Hades’ surprise, Hercules became the hero in this city. It made Hades so angry that he carried out a lot of plans to kill Hercules, but he only managed to make Hercules lose his strength. Hades thought that Hercules ...