In“The Alchemy of Finance”he presents his theory which concludes that the markets and the financial system are rigged to protect the interests of the powerful. Although we can find a great deal of criticism on this book, we recommend it because of its originality and because of the author ...
Alchemy of Finance-0084 THE "OLIGOPOLARIZATION" OF AMERICA 美国的“公司大精简” Within the context of Reagan's Imperial Circle there is another important reflexive development under way: the corporate structure of the United States is being reshaped by means of mergers, acquisitions, divestitures, ...
Alchemy leveraged: the Federal Reserve and modern finance - Garrison - 2011 () Citation Context ... to an unexpected increase in the demand for capital, may be underwritten by a very expansive monetary policy; and this would plausibly have the effects described by Hayek in this paragraph (see...
N. R. Parasuraman Finance, SDM IMD, Mysore,IN DOI: Abstract With the expansion of the organization to a multinational horizon, the alchemy of business practices would necessarily in volve free inter-flow of managerial styles between diverse cultures. Tec...