爱企查为您提供浙江巨川电气科技有限公司DDRC1220FR-GL 12路智能照明模块 场馆灯光开关控制系统 LCD触摸面板等产品,您可以查看公司工商信息、主营业务、详细的商品参数、图片、价格等信息,并联系商家咨询底价。欲了解更多智能照明模块、路灯节电装置、余压控制系统、智能
美晶水平线:1800a 尺寸:600×610×1220mm(宽、深、高)配置:黄金树瘤箱体\香槟金不锈钢门框\ 西班牙雪松木内胆及层架。 LCD背光液晶触控屏。主要参数:温控范围15-22℃;湿控范围:60-75%,控湿精度:±1%;容 - 美晶科技雪茄柜-阿文于20240906发布在抖音,已经收获了9
商家信息 企业名称:数芯显示(深圳)有限公司 注册资本:500万(元) 成立日期:2013-07-17 企业邮箱: suxin@lcd-suxin.com 企业网站: http://www.lcd-suxin.com 公司地址: 深圳市龙华区龙华街道清湖社区清祥路清湖科技园B座6层680室 主营业务: 安防监控设备 爱...
A compact high-speed low-power rail-to-rail class-B buffer amplifier, which is suitable for liquid crystal display applications, is proposed. The amplifiers are biased by each other to reduce the power consumption and the die area. The buffer draws little current while static but has a large...
Taiwan market: LCD monitor prices to drop in January ASPs (average selling prices) for LCD monitors has fallen NT$400-500 (US$12-15) since early December. Currently, first-tier LCD monitor vendors are offering 19-inch at NT$9,600 (US$288) and 17-inch mod